note tracker variable access

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note tracker variable access

Postby iatracker » Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:55 pm

Hi ,

is it possible to create new varaiable or access live vraiable for note tracket ? I have actually flop turn river cardrange ,
but instead of creating ton of All-In Preflop Range (Effective Stacks: BB >= 22) for each stacck BB range , i would like to use
the live amy stat (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb) to have the good range for the live effective BB stack automaticaly .

Something like this : Raised or Called All-in Preflop (Eff. Stacks: BB >= (live_amt_stack / live_amt_bb) ) with {cardrange}

Alternatively , perhaps its possible to get the cardrange directly from a custom stat , with this maner it could do the job ,
but if its possible an example is welcome :?
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Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2017 1:44 am

Re: note tracker variable access

Postby Flag_Hippo » Sun Jul 23, 2017 7:12 pm

NoteTracker processes notes after a hand is imported so it's not possible to generate a note based on the live stack size at the table.
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