To Separate Second pair from third

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Re: To Separate Second pair from third

Postby BillGatesIII » Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:44 am

    I dived into my archives and found an easier way to determine the highest card on the flop.
    Code: Select all
    (greatest(mod(cash_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13), mod(cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13), mod(cash_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13)) + 1)

    This expression returns an A as 13.
    Highest flop card.png
    Highest flop card.png (9.68 KiB) Viewed 5317 times
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    Re: To Separate Second pair from third

    Postby pt4pt4pt4 » Sun Aug 06, 2017 10:34 pm

    BillGatesIII wrote:
      I dived into my archives and found an easier way to determine the highest card on the flop.
      Code: Select all
      (greatest(mod(cash_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13), mod(cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13), mod(cash_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13)) + 1)

      This expression returns an A as 13.
      Highest flop card.png

      Very useful Bill, thanks for the share.
      Posts: 1097
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      Re: To Separate Second pair from third

      Postby Guest666 » Fri Aug 11, 2017 12:25 pm

      Thank you!
      But why It working in filter and did not working in stat?
      Posts: 22
      Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:05 pm

      Re: To Separate Second pair from third

      Postby BillGatesIII » Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:14 am

        The PT4 parser gets confused when using if[] with comma's inside. The workaround is to use 'case when ... end' (that is how the if[] statement is translated to PostgreSQL by PT4 so basically we are just doing it for them already).

        Code: Select all
        sum(case when mod(cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13) = 2 then 1 else 0 end)
        Posts: 740
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        Re: To Separate Second pair from third

        Postby Guest666 » Thu Aug 17, 2017 6:08 am

        I am very much obliged to you, Bill
        Can someone come in handy:

        middle pair or middle stranght hands on River
        Spoiler: show
        Code: Select all
         (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_1pair and (tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength =2)and( tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_r_saw and ( (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_1 - 1, 13) or (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_2 - 1, 13) ))) Or
         (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_2pair and (tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_r_saw)and(((tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength =3)and( (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[3]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_1 - 1, 13)or (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[3]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_2 - 1, 13)))or((tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength =2)and not((sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]=(sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[5]) and( (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_1 - 1, 13)or (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_2 - 1, 13)))or(tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength between 3.99 and 5.01 AND (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]<mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_2 - 1, 13)))) Or
         (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_flush and (tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength between 5.99 and 8.99 ) and tourney_hand_player_combinations.val_r_hole_cards_used=1)  Or
         (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_fullhouse and (tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength between 0.99 and 2.01))

        less then middle pair on River
        Spoiler: show
        Code: Select all
         (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_highcard) Or
         ((tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_1pair and tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength<3) and not (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_1pair and (tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength =2)and( tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_r_saw and ( (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_1 - 1, 13) or (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_2 - 1, 13) )))) Or
         ((tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_2pair and ((tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength between 3.99 and 5.01) or (tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength between 0.99 and 2.01) ))and not((tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_2pair and (tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_r_saw)and(tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength =3)and( (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[3]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_1 - 1, 13)or (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[3]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_2 - 1, 13)))or(tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_2pair and (tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_r_saw)and(tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength =2)  and( (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_1 - 1, 13)or (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_2 - 1, 13)) and not((sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]=(sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[5]))or(tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_2pair and (tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_r_saw)and tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength between 3.99 and 5.01 AND (sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]<mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_2 - 1, 13))or(((sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[4]=(sort(array[mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_1 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_2 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_3 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_4 - 1, 13),mod(tourney_hand_summary.card_5 - 1, 13)]))[5]) and (mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_1 - 1, 13)=mod(tourney_hand_player_statistics.holecard_2 - 1, 13)))))Or
         (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_threeoak and (tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength=0)) Or
         (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_straight and (tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength=0)) Or
         (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_flush and (tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength between 1.99 and 5.09 ) and tourney_hand_player_combinations.val_r_hole_cards_used=1)  Or
         (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_fullhouse and (tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength=0)) Or
         (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_strflush and (tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength=0)) Or
         (tourney_hand_player_combinations.flg_r_fouroak and (tourney_hand_player_combinations.id_r_hand_strength=0))
        Posts: 22
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        Re: To Separate Second pair from third

        Postby sxw279 » Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:57 pm

        Code, how to use it, and where to paste it
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        Re: To Separate Second pair from third

        Postby stockHudson » Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:16 am

        as usual after a few minutes I found the answer myself.
        I followed the instructions listed here:

        Hi, sorry for gravedigging.
        I am interested in this topic, and I tried the last code that was provided.
        if I put that code in the expression filter in my custom report I get an error "expression is not valid" because of the SORT function.
        I believe it's related to the intarray extension, but I tried searching the forums and I didn't find useful info.

        So how can I get that code to work? thanks
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        Joined: Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:15 am


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