New Release: 4.15.38

Questions and discussion about PokerTracker 4 for Windows

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New Release: 4.15.38

Postby APerfect10 » Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:14 pm

PokerTracker 4.15 Release Notes - November 28, 2017

PokerTracker v4.15 requires a database update that is not backward compatible with previous versions of PokerTracker*.

With the 4.15 release, we are proud to announce that NoteCaddy for PokerTracker 4 is now available and is a free sign-up while in pre-release beta. NoteCaddy has worked very closely with us over the past 18-24 months and is the first third-party app to utilize the new Max Value Software API which allows third-party apps to integrate into PokerTracker and provide access to the internal functionality of PokerTracker which was not previously available. With this new API, third-party apps can better utilize the power of PokerTracker and provide innovative solutions that were not previously possible.

Sign-up for the free NoteCaddy Pre-Release Beta now!

  • Third Party App: NoteCaddy: NoteCaddy for PokerTracker 4 enters Pre-Release Beta.
  • Tournaments: Added support for having variable bounties per tournament* whereas previously it was limited to one bounty value. This was needed for tournaments such as PokerStars 'Progressive Jackpot' bounty tournaments and split bounties.

  • iPoker: Import: Fixed incorrect uncalled_bet_enabled in the iPoker hand history which was subsequently reverted by iPoker.
  • Winamax: Tournament Detection: Fixed bounty tournament importing with double buy-in's.
  • PokerStars: Tournament Detection: Fixed some tournaments without summaries incorrectly being tagged as RE_ENTRY.
  • Winning Poker Network: Import: Work around some jackpot hand histories with a 0.25 discrepency between the amount bet and the amount paid out/raked.
  • Svenska Spel: Import: Fixed some hands importing with an invalid limit of "krkr".
  • Import: All-In Equity Stats: Included hands where villian raised hero all-in were incorrectly being excluded from All-In Equity stats.
  • People's Poker: Import: Disabled 'Automatically Apply Treat As' which was incorrectly importing 9-max hands as 6-max.
  • Winning Poker Network: Import: Improved import support of hand history text files provided by support.
  • partypoker.GR: Table Detection: Fixed detecting some Greek tournaments.
  • PokerStars POWERUP: Import: Added basic/preliminary importing of POWERUP tournament hands. "Power" cards are displayed in the hand history viewer and replayer text but do not affect statistics**.
  • HUD: Fixed HUD preventing import from stopping when then replayer window is open.
  • Crash: Resolved a crash that occurred when the main window is closed immediately following stopping auto-import.
  • Crash: partypoker: Resolved crash when importing an incomplete hand.
  • GTech: Import: Fixed import errors in bad beat jackpot hands due to 'contribution' line syntax change.
  • Tournament Detection: Ensure that REENTRY's always include the fee.
  • Player Search: Fix searching for players with an underscore in their name with PostgreSQL 9.1+
  • HUD: HUD Options: Removed previously supported sites that are no longer supported from being listed in profile select.
  • partypoker: fastforward: Fixed issue with fastforward attempting to monitor the wrong program.
  • HUD: Re-added hand and tagging menu which was accidentally removed in 4.14.27.
  • Winning Poker Network: HUD: Improved Jackpot SNG HUD attachment to eliminate need for the HUD table selector.
  • Microgaming: Tournaments: Added support for "Fun" view.
  • Microgaming: Tournaments: Added support for 3-max tables.
  • iPoker: Import: Prevent seating files from being moved to the "Processed Files Directory".
  • PokerStars: HUD: Fixed HUD not displaying on table name 'Atalante'
  • Winning Poker Network: Setup Wizard: Move both .dhh and .phh files to the "Processed Files Directory".
  • Tournament Edit: Enforce tournaments to either be REBUY or REENTRY; never both.

  • Tournament Detection: Updated Tournament Detection config to v4.90.

* To support multiple bounties, we had to make changes to the database, therefore, a PokerTracker v4.15 database will not be backward compatible with v4.14.x or lower. Once you upgrade to 4.15, you cannot revert to any previous version of PokerTracker without restoring a backed up database or re-importing all of your hands into a new database. Immediately after installing v4.15, you will be prompted to backup your database. Please make sure that you backup your database in case if you need to revert back to a previous version of PokerTracker.

** To avoid POWERUP hands from affecting a player's statistics, you may want to import POWERUP hands into their own exclusive database.
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New Release: 4.15.1

Postby APerfect10 » Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:19 am

PokerTracker 4.15.1 Release Notes - March 05, 2018

  • HUD: Profile Select: Added auto select for 3-max and 4-max tournaments to allow users to have separate HUD profiles for Spin & Go's and other like games.
  • iPoker: Site Support: and are now supported.
  • 888: Site Support: and are now supported.
  • PokerStars: Added Zoom support for new combined PokerStars.ES and PokerStars.FR

  • 888: Hand History Viewer: Fixed antes incorrectly displaying as zero.
  • iPoker: Import: Fixed invalid rake, pot size errors and all-in hands from the blinds for an older iPoker hand history format.
  • iPoker: Import: Worked around missing information in hand histories when a player is forced all-in which caused an invalid rake error.
  • partypoker: Fixed fastforward support for the partypoker client update.
  • partypoker: Import: partypoker now uses 'K' for thousands and 'M' for millions in tournament blinds*.
  • partypoker.NJ (Borgata): Fixed lobby detection.
  • PokerStars: Tournament Detection: Fixed re-entry cost not including the cost of the bounty.
  • PokerStars: Tournament Detection: Fixed some Spin Max hands gtting incorrectly detected as BOUNTY.
  • PokerStars.FR: Import: Added support for French only cash game tables.
  • Winamax (MacOS): Site Detection: Improved hand history and site installation detection.
  • Winamax: Import: Fixed invalid pot size errors in Winamax 3-way all-in hands.
  • Winning Poker Network: Import: Fixed some jackpot hands showing an invalid pot size error.
  • HUD: Fixed player names displaying as lowercase in tooltips.
  • HUD: Color Range: Fixed zero not being a valid color range value.
  • Stats: Color Range: Fixed equal to (=) and greater than or equal to (>=) not working correctly.
  • Stats: Fixed tournament hand column using incorrect field resulting in query errors.
  • Reports: Fixed premium add-on stats not exporting with premium add-on reports when the report is saved.
  • Export: Fixed tournament export not including the tournament summary.
  • Queries: Improved detection of divide by zero to prevent query errors.

  • Auto-Update: Removed option to skip; instead, only remind me later or update now

* Requires purge and re-import of these hand histories to resolve previously imported hands with incorrect blinds.
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New Release: 4.15.2

Postby APerfect10 » Mon Mar 26, 2018 10:37 am

PokerTracker 4.15.2 Release Notes - March 26, 2018

  • partypoker: Added support for hands using Korean Standard Time (KT)

  • iPoker: Added support for new iPoker client changes that are rolling out.
  • iPoker: Import: Improved reading of hand history files to prevent hands being missed and/or preventing the HUD from updating.
  • 888: Import: Fixed invalid stack error with some Royal Jackpot hands.
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New Release: 4.15.3

Postby APerfect10 » Fri Apr 27, 2018 2:03 pm

PokerTracker 4.15.3 Release Notes -April 27, 2018

  • PokerStars.IN: Added native PokerStars India support.

  • Winning Poker Network: Import: Fixed table detection for jackpot tables.
  • Winning Poker Network: Import: Fixed hands not importing when a hand has a name with brackets.
  • PokerStars: Zoom HUD: Fixed missing Zoom HUD for players with a space in their name.
  • People's Poker Network: Import: Fixed some cards not importing from certain hands.
  • PokerStars: Import: Skip importing PokerStars' new Split Holdem hands which cannot be currently supported.
  • HUD Editor: Reset tooltip size when setting new tooltip from stat picker tree.

  • Tournament Detection: Updated Tournament Detection engine to v.4.96.
  • PokerStars: Updated PokerStars.cfg to v2.08.
  • Currencies: Updated Currencies.cfg for new Indian Rupees symbol.
  • TableTracker: Removed support for PokerStars.ES, .FR and .PT which no longer offer any type of table selection.
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New Release: 4.15.4

Postby APerfect10 » Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:16 pm

PokerTracker 4.15.4 Release Notes - August 23, 2018

Along with the PokerTracker v4.15.4 release we are excited and proud to announce the first official beta release of the Ignition Hand Grabber app. The Ignition Hand Grabber app is a zero-configuration app that provides real-time import of Ignition, Bovada, and Bodog hand histories along with displaying a HUD. Please visit the Ignition Hand Grabber page to learn more and sign-up for the free beta!

  • Ignition/Bovada/Bodog: Native site support and import of downloaded hands.
  • Ignition Hand Grabber (Beta): Provides support for the new Ignition Hand Grabber Beta app.
  • Third Party Apps: UI: Third-party apps can now be enabled/disabled via the Third Party Apps file menu.

  • partypoker: Added support for new client released on August 22nd with correct seating positions and fastforward support.
  • Winning Poker Network: Import: Fixed high stakes WPN tournaments from incorrectly importing with a Small Stakes license.
  • Winamax: HUD: Fixed Winamax HUD failing to attach to MINI WSOP event.
  • Svenska Spel: Import: Fixed cash and tournament hands failing to import after client update.
  • partypoker: Import; Fixed progressive bounty amount calculation.
  • partypoker: HUD: Fixed Blockout tournaments failing to display.
  • partypoker: Reports: Fixed some progressive bounty tournaments not displaying in some reports.
  • Tournament Detection: Fixed progressive bounty amounts being overwritten with the count.

  • Tournament Detection: Updated Tournament Detection engine to v.5.05.

  • All PokerTracker and third-party app logs will now be located in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\PokerTracker 4\Logs and archived in the 'Logs\Archive' folder
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New Release: 4.15.5

Postby APerfect10 » Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:15 am

PokerTracker 4.15.5 Release Notes - October 01, 2018

  • Ignition Hand Grabber (Beta): Added support for Bodog "rest of world" site.

  • partypoker: HUD: Fixed hero seat position for fastforward which resulted in the player to the right of the hero having their HUD missing
  • partypoker: HUD: Worked around partypoker bug where the table name in hand histories and the window title did not match and caused the HUD not to display.
  • Ignition: Import: Correctly identify skin in downloaded hand histories.
  • Ignition: Import: Fixed a few import errors with downloaded Ignition hands.
  • Ignition Hand Grabber (Beta): Improved table size detection.
  • Ignition Hand Grabber (Beta): HUD: Improved table detection for a few tables which the HUD was failing to attach to.
  • Ignition Hand Grabber (Beta): Fixed times written in generated hands from being incorrect.
  • Winning Poker Network: Import: Fixed high stake WPN tournaments incorrectly importing with a small stakes license.
  • Windows: Fixed videos not being able to be viewed/played.
  • MacOS: HUD: Added a CoverOverlap config to allow for increasing HUD boundary beyond table window.
  • MacOS: Graphs: Fixed missing labels.
  • MacOS: Currency: Fixed Indian Rupee (INR) symbol from not displaying correctly.
  • Logs: Crash reports and HUD logs are now correctly written to the new logs directory introduced in v4.15.4.

  • Tournament Detection: Updated Tournament Detection engine to v.5.0.8

  • Ignition: Import: Importer will now always monitor the Ignition hand grabber directory.
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New Release: 4.15.6

Postby APerfect10 » Tue Oct 02, 2018 12:43 pm

PokerTracker 4.15.5 Release Notes - October 02, 2018

This is a hot fix release for an "Out of Memory" error on non English Windows machines that was introduced with the 4.15.5 release.
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New Release: 4.15.7

Postby APerfect10 » Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:33 pm

PokerTracker 4.15.7 Release Notes - December 03, 2018

  • Ignition: Added support for anonymous players so that session stats display correctly and that anonmyous players cannot be selected via player select.

  • HUD: Fixed HUD error due to 'has position' property bug introduced in v4.15.4.
  • HUD: Fixed Hand tagging menu having text cut off and missing winning hole card rank.
  • Replayer: Fixed regression where names were not properly being masked in the replayer.
  • NoteCaddy: Fixed the NC trial tab incorrectly getting inserted into custom HUD profiles.
  • 888: HUD: Fixed HUD occasionally disappearing from all tables when closing one table.
  • partypoker: Added support for South African Time (SAT)
  • partypoker: fastforward: Fixed fastforward limits in various locale-specific formats.
  • partypoker: HUD: Worked around party MTT bug where the window title does not match the hand history tournament description.
  • partypoker: Tournament Detection: Fixed incorrect number of bounties for party progressive.
  • Winamax: HUD: Fixed HUD not correctly attaching to some Winamax tables.
  • Winamax: Tournament HUD: Fixed HUD disappearing during the first hand after a blind level increase.

  • Tournament Detection: Updated Tournament Detection engine to v.5.10

  • OnGame: Removed OnGame from auto import list due to the site no longer being in existence.
  • (Mac Only) PokerStars: Memory Grabber: Removed memory grabber since it has not worked on Mac for some time (due to Apple deprecating this functionality for security purposes) and could cause major performance issues when enabled.
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New Release: 4.15.8

Postby APerfect10 » Thu Jan 17, 2019 3:53 pm

PokerTracker 4.15.8 Release Notes - January 17, 2019

  • PokerStars.SE: Added full PokerStars Sweden site support.
  • 888: Added support for the new client that is slowly rolling out which has new seat positions and auto-center by default.
  • Added import support to new Bodog site variant.
  • bwin/partypoker: Added multi-client version support to support both the old client (bwin) and the new client (partypoker)
  • bwin/partypoker: fastforward: Added PLO fastforward support.

  • bwin: HUD: Fixed hero detection on fastforward tables
  • bwin/partypoker: HUD: Worked around HUD failing to attach to party tables due to a dot/colon mismatch in the hand history and window title bar of certain tournaments.
  • bwin/partypoker: Import: Worked around party tourneys where there is zero buy-in and the "Buy-in" is missing in the header.
  • bwin/partypoker: Import: Fixed importing of hand histories for the YEKT and VLAT time zones.
  • bwin/partypoker: Import: Fixed importing of .hhf files causing "out of memory" errors.
  • bwin/partypoker: Tournament Detection: Properly identify Powerfest PKO tournaments as progressives.
  • bwin/partypoker: Tournament Detection: Improved bounty and progressive detection/support
  • GTech: Import: Fixed import errors with new lottomattica hand history SQLite databases.
  • Ignition: HUD: Fixed HUD sometimes failing to attach to some Ignition tables.
  • Ignition: Import: Fixed 'Set Dealer' error when no small blind posted in downloaded hands.
  • Ignition: Import: Fixed error when importing downloading hands where the BB did not post the blind.
  • Ignition: Import: Improved AATA detection of 6-max hands that were not correctly tagged as 6-max
  • Ignition: Import: Fixed hero incorrectly getting assigned an anonymous random name which prevented from seeing hero in the replayer and hand history viewer.
  • Ignition: Replayer: Fixed 6-max hands incorrectly loading the 10-seat replayer layout.
  • iPoker: HUD: Auto adjust Windows high DPI setting for iPoker client, which does not properly support high DPI, to be compatible with the high DPI compatible PT4 HUD.
  • People's Poker Network: Import: Fixed some cards failing to import in some tournament hand histories
  • HUD: Prevent the HUD from automatically switching if the HUD profile was manually selected.
  • HUD: Fixed the note editor which was not working on hero only HUD groups.

  • Tournament Detection: Updated Tournament Detection engine to v.5.12
  • Currencies: Updated Russian ruble symbol to the current version used.

  • HUD: All HUD panels are now outlined in the same color as the selected player note. Previously only the HUD panel with the note was outlined in this color.
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New Release: 4.15.10

Postby APerfect10 » Wed Feb 13, 2019 4:57 pm

PokerTracker 4.15.10 Release Notes - February 28, 2019

The primary reason for this release is to be in compliance with the upcoming PokerStars Third Party Tools changes that will go into effect on March 4, 2019. The only change to PokerTracker is that custom stats that use player hole cards or board cards will no longer display on PokerStars tables. Any custom stats derived from a player's hole cards or board cards will display with a Red warning icon with a tooltip that states "Stat Prohibited by PokerStars".

Every PokerStars Player Is Required to Be Running This Version or Later!

If you attempt to play on PokerStars, with a version of PokerTracker older than v4.15.10, you may see a popup message from PokerStars explaining that (older) versions of PokerTracker are prohibited.

  • PokerStars: Prohibit use of custom stats, derived from player hole cards or board cards, from displaying on PokerStars tables.
  • Added site support
  • Added site support

  • macOS: Replayer: Fixed default HUD positions.
  • macOS: HUD: Fixed HUD menu not appearing on secondary monitor(s).
  • Replayer: Fix crashes while replaying partypoker 8-max tournaments.
  • ICM: Fixed crash closing PT4 after using the ICM Opponent Model window
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