Bought pokertracker but can't get it to work

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Bought pokertracker but can't get it to work

Postby LAAKSOLAHTI » Thu May 24, 2018 3:53 am


Yesterday i bought pokertarcker. As a backround information I say I had it like 3 years ago and there was some stats from that time.


-In statistics section, there is no stats besides those 3 years old stats that i imported in free trial time. Those are from bet365 poker (iPoker). I have played a lot since that in pokerstars and veikkaus poker (iPoker also).

-In import status section I see that it is importing at least something from pokerstars. When i start playing there will be 1 new session in import status section BUT there's nothing in "active tables" or statistics or anywhere else. It shows up just in import status list. No HUD in pokerstars etc..

I have tried like 10 hours to manage those configuration things but nothing is working.

I have to note that I have some problems with pokerstars settings changing also. When I change settings there and save them, the settings does not actually save. But since pokertracker gets those hands to "import status" section I believe this has nothing to do with the case.

Edit: I have contacted support yesterday with 6 tickets but no answer yet so i'm asking here if anyone have any idea what i could do. Im so tired after 10 hours of fighting with this:((
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Re: Bought pokertracker but can't get it to work

Postby LAAKSOLAHTI » Thu May 24, 2018 4:14 am

And by 6 tickets i meant that i updated all the new information and tries i did so that the porblem would we solved easier. Definitely not spamming the support just to be mean if there is misunderstandings.
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Re: Bought pokertracker but can't get it to work

Postby LAAKSOLAHTI » Thu May 24, 2018 5:41 am

If I buy new computer, do I get my pokertracker to that also or do I have to purchase pokertracker again? It seems that this problem is unsolvable so I probably just have to buy new computer.
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Re: Bought pokertracker but can't get it to work

Postby Flag_Hippo » Thu May 24, 2018 8:12 am

Your support ticket has been replied to so if you need any further assistance let us know there.
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