Note Tracker by position

Discuss and learn how to use TableTracker for table selection and NoteTracker for taking automated notes.

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Note Tracker by position

Postby joey716 » Sat Jun 23, 2018 8:06 am

I have recently started to do more with NoteTracker, I have searched quickly through some tutorials and FAQ's, maybe I missed this somewhere.

1) Is it possible for the Notes to display based on the hand? So just Preflop notes before initial action. Flop Notes after flop comes...and so on. Or even if it could be Preflop notes displayed until flop and then switch to postflop notes after the flop.

Sometimes the amount of Notes begins to overwhelm. The information is valuable so I do not want to reduce the active Notes.

Maybe someone has created a "filter" or something to make this possible? Maybe it is already an option and I am missing it.
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Re: Note Tracker by position

Postby Flag_Hippo » Sun Jun 24, 2018 12:09 pm

PokerTracker 4 doesn't know anything about a hand in progress so it cannot change the information in your HUD as each street is dealt although NoteTracker has built in filters for each street you can manually select.
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