Population Stats

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Population Stats

Postby mrauseo » Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:04 pm

I'd like some advice on how to create a report or filter that will help me understand the population trends of my database. For example, how frequently is the SB calling a 2B from CO or BTN RFI.

I'm sure this has been answered many times, but I'm very much trying to learn.
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Re: Population Stats

Postby Flag_Hippo » Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:09 pm

If you go to 'My Reports -> New Report' and create an 'All Players Report' you can see data from all players combined. To do that remove the 'Player' stat from the report and then you will see data from all players combined and not broken down into rows for individual players. To remove the 'Player' stat you can just double click on it under 'Report Stats'. You can then add the stats you want to the report by double clicking the ones you want under 'Available Stats'. Additionally if you add the following filter: NOT(Player is Hero) you'll see the data from villains only without your own stats mixed in.
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Re: Population Stats

Postby mrauseo » Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:23 pm

Got it. So in the example I gave. I should:
1. Create a new report, for all players.
2. Remove players from report stats.
3. Add a filter: hand details, player position, preflop, position of first raiser between 0 and 1.
4. Add a filter: action and opportunities, called 2bet, position = 9 (i don't want this to be the active player though) - so not really sure how to do that, I want it to be for any small blind.

I will rewrite. This it doesn't make any sense
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Re: Population Stats

Postby mrauseo » Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:36 pm

So to do what I described in my orginal post. Figure out how often SB calls a RFI from CO or BTN within my entire population would be to:
1. Create new all players report.
2. Change Report stats to: Hands, Call PF 2bet, seat.
3. Add a filter for position of first raiser is between 0 and 1.

The results I'm getting show very little spread between call PF 2 bets across different seats. Also the seats, that I'm showing don't match the seats I expect.

My seat expectations is BTN is 0, CO is 1 SB is 9 and BB is 8. The seat numbers in the report are 1 to 6. I'm not sure which correspond to which positions.
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Re: Population Stats

Postby mrauseo » Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:46 pm

The above can’t be right, because I’m seeing that EP players are calling. When I’m trying to set it up so the RFI is CO or BTN. So they should have folded.
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Re: Population Stats

Postby Flag_Hippo » Sat Sep 08, 2018 6:38 am

mrauseo wrote:The results I'm getting show very little spread between call PF 2 bets across different seats. Also the seats, that I'm showing don't match the seats I expect.

The 'Seat' statistic is the players seat number on the table as specified by the poker sites hand history and this will not change when the players position changes so if you want to see the actual position in the report you should use the 'Position' stat instead.
mrauseo wrote:The above can’t be right, because I’m seeing that EP players are calling.

You've filtered for the cutoff or button raising first but it's possible for EP to have limped and then called this raise. If you don't want that then you can add a filter for zero limpers or for the SB facing a steal since isolation raises are not counted as steals. Bear in mind with the second filter you won't get hands where the CO raises and BTN calls since that defuses the steal from the SB perspective so it depends on exactly what you want to see in your report.
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Re: Population Stats

Postby jsimon101 » Sun May 26, 2024 10:37 am

Flag_Hippo wrote:
mrauseo wrote:The results I'm getting show very little spread between call PF 2 bets across different seats. Also the seats, that I'm showing don't match the seats I expect.

The 'Seat' statistic is the players seat number on the table as specified by the poker sites hand history and this will not change when the players position changes so if you want to see the actual position in the report you should use the 'Position' stat instead.
mrauseo wrote:The above can’t be right, because I’m seeing that EP players are calling.

You've filtered for the cutoff or button raising first but it's possible for EP to have limped and then called this raise. If you don't want that then you can add a filter for zero limpers or for the SB facing a steal since isolation raises are not counted as steals. Bear in mind with the second filter you won't get hands where the CO raises and BTN calls since that defuses the steal from the SB perspective so it depends on exactly what you want to see in your report.

Hello - I am trying to create a population tendency...

I have followed all the steps you have given - however - I can not see how I can view the hands of the multitudes of players in the report list with the only way being able to see the stats is the Hero's.

For example - I want to see river tendencies - so I simply put "saw river" in the filter and set NOT hero as advised, so I see all the reports for Ignition - but I am confused on the next step to see the hands --- thanks
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Re: Population Stats

Postby Flag_Hippo » Mon May 27, 2024 5:53 am

jsimon101 wrote:Hello - I am trying to create a population tendency...

I have followed all the steps you have given - however - I can not see how I can view the hands of the multitudes of players in the report list with the only way being able to see the stats is the Hero's.

For example - I want to see river tendencies - so I simply put "saw river" in the filter and set NOT hero as advised, so I see all the reports for Ignition - but I am confused on the next step to see the hands --- thanks

If you want to see a players cards in a 'Player' report or an 'All Players' report you would need to add the 'Hole Cards' statistic. If you want to see the individual hands and/or replay them then you would need to create a 'Hand Report' instead. To filter/view the hands from every players perspective click the 'Filters' link, select 'Add New Expression Filters' and turn off the 'Filter on Active Player' option.
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