Error in reporting STT results.

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Error in reporting STT results.

Postby NickyOD » Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:21 am

Using PT Commercial release I was entering STT results on June 6th and PT crashed. It has been fairly crashy so I didn't bother recording the error code.

When I went back into PT my results for the 4th-6th June are all wrong. PT thinks I finished 2nd in every singly STT which is about 30. The resuts are wrong in every section of PT, General, Winnings, Graph etc, EXCEPT when I go to enter tournament results, they are all actually entered correctly so I don't see any way to fix the problem.

I am using Vista Ultimate with SP1.
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Re: Error in reporting STT results.

Postby NickyOD » Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:29 am


The image is a sample of results from STTs on iPoker. The data is entered correctly in the Tournaments/Enter Results section but elsewhere PT says I came second in each one.

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Re: Error in reporting STT results.

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:04 pm

What happens if you manually change a few of the results? e.g. set it to a different finish position for you temporarily. Does that update the main display?
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Re: Error in reporting STT results.

Postby NickyOD » Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:51 am

Yes that corrects it one result at a time.

This bug has occurred now 3 times over about 250 STTs. You can see from the graph where it happens. I don't know why it happened the second and third time as the software didn't crash. This is probably just going to keep happening and since the results are entered manually there's no other way to resolve the problem other than a patch. PT thinks I'm down $1500 from STTs and I'm actually up over $3000.

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Re: Error in reporting STT results.

Postby prajna » Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:20 pm

How did it get the info on your sng's to begin with? I thought on ipoker you had to manually enter the results anyhow.

~ Thomas
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Re: Error in reporting STT results.

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:20 pm

prajna wrote:How did it get the info on your sng's to begin with? I thought on ipoker you had to manually enter the results anyhow.

If you read the OP, I think he was entering results manually, but then got a crash which seems to have overwritten somehow what he already entered.

This bug has occurred now 3 times over about 250 STTs. You can see from the graph where it happens. I don't know why it happened the second and third time as the software didn't crash.

So I guess the other times it happened you were assigned different places, not in the money?
Were they all the same placings again?
Is there anything common about the sessions that get altered, or different to those that don't? Are they all ones played at the same/over-lapping times?
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Re: Error in reporting STT results.

Postby NickyOD » Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:48 pm

Yeah I have to enter the result, winnings and tournament type manually. The only player I enter finishing position for is myself.

Yes the second two times it happened it gave me the the some losing placing and thinks I finished 5th over a large batch. I import all my HH at the end of the day the enter the results manually.
On the second and third occasion the bug didn't seem to happen immediately after I entered the results and saved. It was after I'd close the database and opened it another day and ran a filter for the week or something.

What's common about the results that got altered is I entered my finishing position in them manually one after the other in a short space of time. They are also all on iPoker but not all the same buy-in or tournament type.
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Re: Error in reporting STT results.

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:43 am

OK, thanks. If you didn't already, please create a support ticket for this issue (Support system). Link to this thread, and if you notice this happen again please attach your logfile to the ticket (enable logging).
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