petemoilefion wrote:Does it work on bodog ?
Seem like the grabber didnt work
Please enable logging, reproduce this problem and then send your log file to us in a Support Ticket. You can access the 'Logs' folder with the log file by clicking 'File --> Show User Data Folder' in the main PokerTracker 4 window and depending on your Windows settings it will be a text file called 'PokerTracker4' or 'PokerTracker4.log'.
jlong221 wrote:Love the new Ignition HH import tool, but I have one issue: it looks like the PT4 positions are randomized and not consistent so “seat 1” isn’t always the SB, “seat 2” isn’t always (the same position), etc. instead of “UTG”, “Dealer”. So when I’m running a population pool report it won’t really work because the seats aren’t always the same position. I know the other company’s Ignition HH converter did this. It seems as if the import tool should grab the actual named position instead and keep it consistent. Is this possible to adjust? Thanks
If you want your custom report broken up by position then you should use the 'Position' statistic and not the 'Seat' statistic.