Before I post these scripts I'll just give a quick explanation of what they do, what they don't do and some warnings. The two scripts I made work as a semi-automatic hand grabber. They allow you to download your hands to disk immediately after playing them without having to deal with the clunky hand replayer yourself. These scripts do not re-enable HUD use. Until the auto import issues are fixed there is nothing that we can do about that.
WARNING: Test these out on a small scale before using them. I have only tested these out on the OKPoker client downloaded through Loto Quebec. I have only tested these scripts on my PC. If you choose to use these scripts during real money play you do so at your own risk.
- Code: Select all
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, PosX, PosY
MouseClick, left, ****, ****
Mouseclick, left, ****, ****
Mouseclick, left, ****, ****
Mouseclick, left, ****, ****
MouseMove, %PosX%, %PosY%
This example of the replay clicker is bound to the middle mouse button. If you don't like that you can change "Mbutton" to any key of your choice. This script essentially does 3 things.
1. When you click the middle mouse button the script first saves the current location of the mouse (MouseGetPos, PosX, PosY)
2. The script clicks every single replay button that you have programmed in. (Mouseclick, left, ****, ****)
The script above is only for 4 tables and I've only tested it up to 6 so far. You can add more "Mouseclick, left, ****, ****" commands for the total number of tables you plan on playing. You need to replace the **** with the X/Y screen coordinates of the location of the replay button. In order to get the screen coordinates, while AHK is running you can right click its icon on the taskbar and select "Window Spy." This opens up a window that gives you the current coordinates of your cursor. You will need the "Screen" coordinates for this script
I generally play 6-12 tables. Due to the way that the poker client tiles tables I will need to use 3 seperate scripts bound to 3 different buttons. One will be for grabbing hands when I have 5-6 tables, one for 7-9 tables, and the other for 10-12 tables.
3. The script returns your mouse pointer to its original location (MouseMove, %PosX%, %PosY%)
WARNING: This script will click the location you have programmed it to click whether there is a poker table there or not.
The big problem with this first script is that it will open up thousands of hand replay windows per hour, now we need a script that will close these windows automatically.
SCRIPT 2 Replay Closer:
- Code: Select all
WinWait, Poker
WinClose, Poker
The name of the hand history replayer window is always "Poker." This script just runs in the background on a loop and closes replayer windows as they open. If you are playing on a different skin confirm the name of the hand history replayer for yourself before you use the script. If it's different you can simply replace "Poker" with the name.
WARNING: This script not only closes the replay window but any window whose title starts with the word “poker.” For some reason it does not close the pokertracker4 window, but it does close any web browser whose title starts with poker.
WARNING: WinWait makes the script wait before closing the window (default time = .5 second). I originally created a script that closed the window instantly but it caused severe stability problems and repeated client crashes. Modify the timings at your own risk.
Note: These scripts require autohotkey. You can download it at: