Moderators: WhiteRider, kraada, Flag_Hippo, morny, Moderators
EdouardB wrote:Hi, i would to create a filter where i decide to 2 barrel all-in on turn which means my opponent has no opportunity to raise me. in the 'Actions and opportunities Turn" there is no option in "Turn Bets" to Go all in. There is either "faced all in turn" from my opponent or "raise all-in turn" opportunity but no "Bet all in Turn" opportunity
cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_t_bet_made > 0 and cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_t_bet_made >= cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_t_effective_stack
EdouardB wrote:I need 4 different Bet sizes FLop: 1/4 pot exactly , 2/5 exactly , higher than 2/5 and lower or equal to 1/2 (>2/5 and <=1/2) and the last one a 100% Bet Pot Flop.
EdouardB wrote:the second stat is a "C/R Flop Bet Size". (x is vilain bet sizing flop) I would need a 2x exactly , 3x exactly , between 3<x<=5 Bet size and finally a "C/R all-in" Bet Size.
cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_f_raise_made / cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_f_bet_facing
EdouardB wrote:I've also just realized that there are no "Preflop 3Bet NAI" and "Preflop Fold to 3 Bet NAI" stats in PT4 by default?
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