filter PT4

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filter PT4

Postby EdouardB » Tue Oct 01, 2019 5:42 pm

Hi, i would to create a filter where i decide to 2 barrel all-in on turn which means my opponent has no opportunity to raise me. in the 'Actions and opportunities Turn" there is no option in "Turn Bets" to Go all in. There is either "faced all in turn" from my opponent or "raise all-in turn" opportunity but no "Bet all in Turn" opportunity
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Re: filter PT4 and custom stats

Postby EdouardB » Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:55 pm

I Also would be grateful to have 2 custom stats for my reports. I don't need them in a Hud (that's for SNGJackPot)

the first one does exist but i'm unahppy with the current be sizings offered: it' called "Flop Bet Size".

I need 4 different Bet sizes FLop: 1/4 pot exactly , 2/5 exactly , higher than 2/5 and lower or equal to 1/2 (>2/5 and <=1/2) and the last one a 100% Bet Pot Flop.

the second stat is a "C/R Flop Bet Size". (x is vilain bet sizing flop) I would need a 2x exactly , 3x exactly , between 3<x<=5 Bet size and finally a "C/R all-in" Bet Size.

COuld someone tell me what do i need to enter in the "edit stat section" => ("Value Expression","format type", "Summary type")

I've also just realized that there are no "Preflop 3Bet NAI" and "Preflop Fold to 3 Bet NAI" stats in PT4 by default?
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Re: filter PT4

Postby Flag_Hippo » Wed Oct 02, 2019 9:27 am

EdouardB wrote:Hi, i would to create a filter where i decide to 2 barrel all-in on turn which means my opponent has no opportunity to raise me. in the 'Actions and opportunities Turn" there is no option in "Turn Bets" to Go all in. There is either "faced all in turn" from my opponent or "raise all-in turn" opportunity but no "Bet all in Turn" opportunity

There isn't a simple filter for that however you can use the following filter expression in 'My Reports' which ensures that the turn bet was greater or equal than the players effective stack:

Code: Select all
cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_t_bet_made > 0 and cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_t_bet_made >= cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_t_effective_stack

You can use this expression filter by clicking on the filters link and selecting "Add New Expression Filters". Substitute 'cash' with 'tourney' if you are in a tournament report.

EdouardB wrote:I need 4 different Bet sizes FLop: 1/4 pot exactly , 2/5 exactly , higher than 2/5 and lower or equal to 1/2 (>2/5 and <=1/2) and the last one a 100% Bet Pot Flop.

To create a new version with custom groupings take a look at the 'Flop Bet Size' statistic and the val_f_bet_size column in 'Configure -> Statistics'. If you duplicate the existing val_f_bet_size column you can then make changes/additions to the values there and once that's done you can then create your own custom 'Flop Bet Size' statistic using that column.

EdouardB wrote:the second stat is a "C/R Flop Bet Size". (x is vilain bet sizing flop) I would need a 2x exactly , 3x exactly , between 3<x<=5 Bet size and finally a "C/R all-in" Bet Size.

If that's also for grouping in a report then take a look at the 'Flop 2Bet Size' statistic and val_f_2bet_size column and instead of using val_f_raise_made_pct for the groupings you'd need to compare the size of the first raise to the size of the bet faced using:

Code: Select all
cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_f_raise_made / cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_f_bet_facing

EdouardB wrote:I've also just realized that there are no "Preflop 3Bet NAI" and "Preflop Fold to 3 Bet NAI" stats in PT4 by default?

See this thread and/or this thread for examples.
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Re: filter PT4

Postby EdouardB » Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:43 pm

what is a 2 Bet size? Are a C/R Flop or a DonkBet Flop considered a 2Bet Size?
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Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2017 6:57 am

Re: filter PT4

Postby Flag_Hippo » Thu Oct 03, 2019 5:22 am

A Flop 2Bet is the first raise on the flop so it's not possible for that to be a donk bet.
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