Notetracker - Went All-In

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Notetracker - Went All-In

Postby Swerve » Wed Nov 13, 2019 4:28 am

Hi, I've encountered a problem in the Notetracker auto-notes with the "Went All-In" filter and would appreciate some direction.

The "Raised All-In" filter seems to work as expected, but what I've noticed is that the "Went All-In" filter seems to be behaving more like a "SOMEbody went all-in, and the player in question put THAT amount of chips into the pot, but did not necessarily put all of their OWN chips into the pot" filter. I'm confused by this because I would expect a "Went All-in" filter to only apply to players who... well, go all-in.

To clarify, an example of a hand I've been testing with this result: Action folds to me in the cutoff; I push all-in for about 10BB. The player on the button, who has almost 90BB, flats. Everyone else folds, and the cards run out. A "Went All-In" filter causes a note to be taken on the button player for their call of my all-in, even though they didn't go all-in themselves.

Is this intended behavior for this filter? If so, is there another filter in the Preflop Actions/Opps, or elsewhere, that ensures the player in question is actually going all-in (when their all-in does not constitute an additional raise)?

Thanks for any clarification anyone can provide.
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Re: Notetracker - Went All-In

Postby Flag_Hippo » Wed Nov 13, 2019 6:33 am

That's how the filter currently works since it's defined as 'seeing the flop but not making any actions' but if you want to ensure that the player doesn't have any remaining stack then you can add a filter for (Stack to Pot Ratio Between 0 and 0) on the flop via 'Hand Details -> Pot Size & Stack Depth -> Flop -> Stack to Pot Ratio'.
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Re: Notetracker - Went All-In

Postby Swerve » Wed Nov 13, 2019 3:37 pm

Flag_Hippo wrote:That's how the filter currently works since it's defined as 'seeing the flop but not making any actions' but if you want to ensure that the player doesn't have any remaining stack then you can add a filter for (Stack to Pot Ratio Between 0 and 0) on the flop via 'Hand Details -> Pot Size & Stack Depth -> Flop -> Stack to Pot Ratio'.

Ah, ok. Thanks a lot, I appreciate the help. There are so many options (a good thing) that it's tough sometimes to wrap my mind around the best/easiest way to do a thing, I hadn't even considered using post-flop SPR.

Although I will leave a parting word that I think the wording of that filter is potentially dangerously misleading. If I hadn't caught it red-handed, it could've led to me making huge incorrect assumptions down the line about some players. Just feels like there's often enough a huge difference between what I would think most people think of as "went all-in" and "no more action after the flop [potentially because somebody else is all-in for what may very well amount to chump change compared to the gargantuan stack of the noted player]".

Actually, on that note, is there a place one can look up explicit construction of filter definitions the same way one can look up explicit construction of stat definitions under Configure -> Statistics?
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Re: Notetracker - Went All-In

Postby Flag_Hippo » Fri Nov 15, 2019 1:19 pm

There isn't any specific documentation regarding the definitions of filters but if you aren't sure about something just let us know here on the forums or in a Support Ticket and we'd be happy to assist. You can also create a custom 'Hand Report' in 'My Reports' and take a look at the hands returned by a given filter if you need to confirm it's working as you'd expect. The advantage of using a custom report is if you don't have many of your own hands to test a filter with you can turn off the 'Filter on Active Player' option and hands will be filtered from every player's point of view and not just the active player selected in the report.
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