Questions and discussion about PokerTracker 4 for Windows
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by APerfect10 » Fri May 14, 2021 10:54 am
PokerTracker 4.15.32 Release Notes - May 26, 2021Fixed:- Winamax: Import: Added support for new Winamax hand history paths
- Winamax: HUD: Fixed HUD not displaying on "Go Fast" tables due to Winamax update changes
- Third Party Apps API: Fixed crash due to remote cache running out of memory
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by APerfect10 » Tue Jul 20, 2021 9:34 am
PokerTracker 4.15.33 Release Notes - July 20, 2021Added:- GGPoker: Import: Added support for new tournament summaries
- PokerStars: Import: Added support for CNY currency
- PokerStars.CH: Added PokerStars Switzerland support
- PokerStars: Import: Added support for "Stealth" hands
Fixed:- 888: Import: Fixed invalid pot size errors in some converted 888 format hands
- 9Stacks: Import: Cash hands and tournament buy-ins now import as Rupees
- GGPoker: Import: Fixed some more mismatches between posted blinds and stated blinds
- GGPoker: Import: Fixed incorrect "Net Won" for some GGPoker PLO hands
- GGPoker: Tournament Detect: Import buy-in data for more tournament types
- GGPoker: Tournament Detect: Added 'Spin & Gold' buy-in detection
- GTech G2: Import: Fixed incorrect "Net Won" for some BBJ hands
- GTech G2: Import: Corrected the stake name format for PLO hands
- Hand2Note: Conversion: Fixed some import errors with H2N hands in PokerStars format
- ICM Quiz: Fixed crash when starting the quiz
- Import: Archiving: Fixed archiving of empty/blank hand history files
- iPoker: Import: Fixed incorrect blinds being imported for first hand of a tournament level
- iPoker: Import: Fixed an import error with no SB when folded to BB
- Open Hand History: Fixed a few import and export issues with Open Hand History (OHH)* format hands
- partypoker: HUD: Fixed HUD attachment when the window title and hand history stakes are formatted differently
- partypoker: Import: Improved import of partially anonymous hands
- partypoker: Tournament Detect: Updated partypoker Lottery 'Spins' fees
- PokerStars: Import: Fixed incorrect finish positions in some partial tournaments
- PokerStars: Tournament Detect: Included Grand Tour SNG bounty won when calculating "Net Won"
- Run It Once Poker: Import: Fixed import error when posting blind puts the player all-in
- Winamax: Replayer: Fixed locking loading replayer when playing on new Winamax beta client
- Winamax: Import: Fixed import error for some Omaha Hi/Lo cash hands
- WPN: Import: Fixed some all-in hands that were won incorrectly reported as a loss
Changed:- macOS: Moving of processed files now happens immediately whenever possible which should significantly decrease the large number of hand histories warning when starting import
- 888: Snap: Updated Snap HUD files for 888 client update
* The Open Hand History (OHH) specification as defined at
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- Posts: 4466
- Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm
by APerfect10 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:29 am
PokerTracker 4.15.34 Release Notes - July 21, 2021Added:- People's Poker: Added support for prizes in People's Poker tournament summaries
Fixed:- HUD: Fixed black border around HUD panel if player had no HUD note color
- PokerStars: Import: Fixed number of players recorded for some PokerStars MTT re-entry tournaments
- PokerStars: Import: Fixed winnings for Grand Tour SNG when finish in 1st place
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- Posts: 4466
- Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm
by APerfect10 » Fri Sep 17, 2021 7:56 am
PokerTracker 4.15.35 Release Notes - September 17, 2021Added:- 888: Import: Added support for 888 play money tournaments
- GGPoker: Import: Added support and detection for Flip & Go tournaments
- iPoker: Import: Added support for fast-fold Football tables and 5-max tables
- Winning Poker Network: Import: Added support for only showing one hole card
Fixed:- 888: Import: Fixed import error with all-in for ante/blinds in a tournament
- GGPoker: Fixed tournament time being incorrectly reported
- GGPoker: Report T$ tournaments in dollars
- GGPoker: Import: Show correct tournament currency despite tournament summary always being in USD
- GGPoker: Import: Reject invalid hands where the stated and posted blinds are incorrect
- GGPoker: Import: Fixed incorrect 'blind not posted' warning with ante and partial blind posted
- GGPoker: Import: Fixed finish position occasionally not being imported
- GTech: Import: Fixed import errors due to rake not being read from the .db hands
- GTech: Equity: Fixed some hands not calculating all-in equity
- Open Hand History: Fixed a few import and export issues with Open Hand History (OHH)* format hands
- partypoker: Import: Fixed PLO8 hands being imported as PLO
- partypoker: Import: Re-entry tournament now record best finish position
- partypoker: Import: Fixed parsing error with preflop all-in anonymous tournament hands
- People's Poker: Tournament Detection: Improved Velox tournament buy-in fee detection
- PokerStars: Tournament Detection: Fixed incorrect prizes awarded in MTT Turbo Satellite Re-entry
- Winamax: Import: Include 'hold up' amount in net adjusted calculations
- Winning Poker Network: Import: Fixed Bomb Pots not immediately importing
- Hand History: Fixed player names with backslashes not being stored correctly in the database
- macOS: Crash Reporter: Fixed crash reporter not being activated
- Crash: Fixed out of memory crash
Changed:- macOS: Removed 'PT4 Apps' from file menu since there are no macOS third party apps at this time
* The Open Hand History (OHH) specification as defined at
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- Posts: 4466
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by APerfect10 » Mon Sep 20, 2021 11:57 am
PokerTracker 4.15.36 Release Notes - September 20, 2021Fixed:- partypoker: Import: Fixed regression causing Holdem hands to be treated as Omaha
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- Posts: 4466
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by APerfect10 » Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:20 am
PokerTracker 4.15.37 Release Notes - October 19, 2021Added:- GGPoker: Import: Added support for winning ticket entries in a tournament
- iPoker: Import: Added support Run It Twice hands
- iPoker: Import: Added support for new iPoker feature to be released soon
- partypoker: Added preferred seating option for 7 seat tables
- PokerBros: Tournament Summaries: Added support for tournament summaries*
Fixed:- 888: SNAP: Improved data handling to prevent crashes
- GGPoker: Tournament Detection: Fixed detection for 5.25 PKO tournaments
- GGPoker: Tournament Detection: Fixed "Bounty Deep Stacks" games not properly labeling the buyin
- Hand History Viewer: Fixed rake not displaying for PokerStars cash out hands
- iPoker: Import: Fixed PKO bounty incorrectly multiplying currency values by 100 if you won a bounty
- partypoker: Import: Fixed Run It Twice import errors
- PokerStars: Tournament Detection: Fixed incorrect detection of PokerStars MTT's with 45 players
- PokerStars: Import: Fixed cash bounties failing to import for some freeroll tournaments
- Winamax: Tournament Detection: Fixed incorrect winnings from re-entry fee not being included
- Winamax: Import: Fixed stack sizes failing to be imported when bounties are listed with player stacks
- Winning Poker Network: Import: Fixed "Invalid Pot Size" errors for some hands
- macOS: Added logging for Big Sur and Monterey version numbers
- Import: Fixed regression where bounty prize amounts were recorded as zero
- Import: Properly reject hands with 0 stack size
* Requires a subscription to the
Asian Hand Converters
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- Posts: 4466
- Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm
by APerfect10 » Tue Nov 23, 2021 10:08 am
PokerTracker 4.15.38 Release Notes - November 23, 2021Added:- partypoker: Replayer/HHV: Added replayer and hand history viewer support for Run It Twice hands
- Winning Poker Network: Added support for "Play It Safe" all-in equity protection
Fixed:- 888: Import: Fixed empty mucked cards failing to import
- 888: Import: Fixed import errors with hands with multiple very short stacks
- GGPoker: Import: Fixed incorrect "invalid stakes" import errors regression
- Import: Reject zero stack sizes when a player bets as an invalid hand
- partypoker: Import: Fixed incorrect results and rake with all-in over bets
- PokerBros: Import: Correctly import converter hands for PokerBros as PokerBros*
- PokerStars: Memory Grabber: Fixed out of memory crash
- Replayer: Equity: Improved equity calculations by running more simulations for replayed hands
- Winamax: HUD: Added support for multiple tournaments
Changed:- API: Third party apps that timeout are shut down and a message is displayed
Updated:- Tournament Detection: Updated TD engine to 5.94
* Requires a subscription to the
Asian Hand Converters
- Site Admin
- Posts: 4466
- Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:03 pm
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