Importing Hands From Disk Awfully Slow

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Importing Hands From Disk Awfully Slow

Postby Taintus » Mon Aug 29, 2022 12:54 pm

I'm currently trying to import a big chunk of hands into a newly created PT4 database.

During 'Import from Disk' > 'Choose Directory', Pokertracker adjusts session stakes and updates it's cache every few hands, thus slowing down my import immensly.

I've tuned the new database after creating it, and I've rebuilt it's cache too.

Every hand I'm wanting to import is from a 6max cash game, however, the tables are not always full. Yet 6max. To adjust for that, I've changed my import config to stop applying 'Treat As' as seen below.

Is there anything else I can do or do I have to suck it up and import 25k handfiles with a speed of 85h/s?
pt4_import_status.png (5.12 KiB) Viewed 1330 times
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Re: Importing Hands From Disk Awfully Slow

Postby Flag_Hippo » Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:29 am

Import speeds can drop over large imports so we recommend splitting your larger imports into batches. Also if your hand history files are not original PokerStars hands and are datamined then using them would be against PokerStars terms of service. Datamined hands are often not in the same format and/or not written in sequential order and that also makes the imports much slower and we will not be modifying PokerTracker 4 to import these types of hands any faster.
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Re: Importing Hands From Disk Awfully Slow

Postby Taintus » Tue Aug 30, 2022 10:26 am

What would be considered a large import compared to a smaller batch size wise? *Edited to ask what an appropriate batch size would roughly be.

The only thing I've done to my hand histories is running my python script over them to replace player names with positons as seen here

Surely this can't be against TOS nor should Pokertrackers "Adjust Stakes > Automatically Apply 'Treat As'" fail, right?
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Re: Importing Hands From Disk Awfully Slow

Postby Taintus » Tue Aug 30, 2022 11:16 am

In addition to everything else being said: the most time consuming part is the "Adjusting session stakes" and "Updating the cache" during import, not importing the hands themselves if that makes sense.

I thought disabling "Adjust Stakes > Automatically Apply 'Treat As'" would fix that, but alas here I am.
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Re: Importing Hands From Disk Awfully Slow

Postby Flag_Hippo » Tue Aug 30, 2022 12:15 pm

Taintus wrote:What would be considered a large import compared to a smaller batch size wise? *Edited to ask what an appropriate batch size would roughly be.

What is an acceptable import speed is subjective and import speeds also vary depending on other factors such as system specifications, types of hands being imported e.t.c. so there isn't a single recommendation I can give but you can experiment yourself with different batch sizes.
Taintus wrote:The only thing I've done to my hand histories is running my python script over them to replace player names with positons as seen here

Surely this can't be against TOS nor should Pokertrackers "Adjust Stakes > Automatically Apply 'Treat As'" fail, right?

There is no 'Hero' being dealt hole cards in your example which is typical of datamined hand histories and importing large numbers of datamined hands which you haven't personally participated in is against PokerStars terms of service. Even if you are just changing the player names which anonymises the players then they are still effectively datamined hands as far as PokerTracker 4 is concerned and as I mentioned previously those types of hands typically import slower and we don't directly support the import of this type of hand history.
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