I think you might have misunderstood what I was asking. I
am aware of the NC feature that allows you to create color definitions. I use them and am familiar with how they work.
But what I was asking was whether there is a way not just to color PokerStars notes based on active color definitions (this is a feature you can select on the bottom of the main screen in NC), but whether it's possible for NC to change the color in
PT'4s player note. For example, when you click on a player note icon in the HUD, you can select a color from a dropdown menu, and as a result the HUD stats will have a corresponding color outline around it. See this example image below:
This is something NC can do with PokerStars players because it changes the note file in the PokerStars folder. (I believe it could do the same with the now-defunct Full Tilt site.) But I'm wondering if NC can do this to players in a PT4 database. This would effectively mean you'd see the result of a color definition via the HUD no matter what site you were playing on. Doe that make more sense?
EDIT: Not sure why the image above isn't previewing. Here's a direct link: