CCPF% - not correct

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CCPF% - not correct

Postby COOOKII » Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:18 am

Now you changed to a % of vew, Good
But not correct, figures are wrong.
Aprox. 360 times CCPF in arround 37000 Hands makes no 3.84 % even me as a math nobrainer can do this mental arethmetics.
I belive there is something wrong at your formula . By the way PT2 is confirming me.

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Re: CCPF% - not correct

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:27 am

The CCPF% in PT3 is the number of times you cold call out of the number of times you had the opportunity to cold call. i.e. when you were facing a raise and had no money invested. It does not just give you the % out of all hands like PT2 does.
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Re: CCPF% - not correct

Postby COOOKII » Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:36 am

Ok, now it makes sense to me. TY
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Re: CCPF% - not correct

Postby Postremo » Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:25 am

I got at least two times CCPF values above 100 in Beta 13.
The Definition seems to be correct ( (cnt_p_ccall / cnt_p_ccall_opp) * 100 ), how is this possible?
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Re: CCPF% - not correct

Postby Peligroso » Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:13 am

Postremo wrote:I got at least two times CCPF values above 100 in Beta 13.
The Definition seems to be correct ( (cnt_p_ccall / cnt_p_ccall_opp) * 100 ), how is this possible?
Please attach these hands to a Support Ticket and we'll figure out what's wrong.
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Re: CCPF% - not correct

Postby Postremo » Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:36 pm

Could you explain me what you mean? How can i export the right hands (or first how to isolate the right hands)?

I isolate the players yet, as you can see here, whats the next step ? :)
(nice 2100% CCPF after 61 hands :D)
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Re: CCPF% - not correct

Postby kraada » Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:48 pm

Attaching the 61 hands that guy is in should be plenty.

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Re: CCPF% - not correct

Postby Postremo » Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:32 pm

seem to be a import or eyepokerproblem, the problemhands are almost shared from others

i tried to find the hands, but its a nearly unending work
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Re: CCPF% - not correct

Postby kraada » Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:39 pm

How many hands do you have total?

If you could zip them up and it's < 6M you can submit it to a support ticket and if you just tell me the username of the guy with the 61 hands, I can go through and find those fairly rapidly.
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Re: CCPF% - not correct

Postby Josh » Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:35 pm

Try re-downloading beta 13. I had to make an emergency change after the initial upload, so a few people downloaded a problematic version. That might resolve this issue.
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