I found something in the forum.
I attached two screenshots for the new column and the new stat.
Are they correct?
I cannot check it because for some reason i cannot applying it and see it in my stat list.
Moderators: WhiteRider, kraada, Flag_Hippo, morny, Moderators
myeari wrote:attached a screenshot
myeari wrote:I saw that for the made_hand stat there is a use with lookup_from_id.
Should I use something similar? If yes, which function should I use, and how?
myeari wrote:OR can you shorten my learning time, and build one stat as an example (e.g. top pair) that I can import, and then I will duplicate and change that for the other strengths?
myeari wrote:Also, the guides are not sufficient for building stats for identifying draws, because I don't know which functions and columns I should use.
I will need more help on that as well.
myeari wrote:I found something in the forum.
I attached two screenshots for the new column and the new stat.
Are they correct?
I cannot check it because for some reason i cannot applying it and see it in my stat list.
myeari wrote:I think I made a very good progress with the construction of the stat I needed.
However, there is still a minor problem, which I don't know how to fix.
Similar labels (e.g., two pairs) were given to multiple equations (e.g. when (flg_f_2pair=7 AND id_f_hand_strength=7) and also when (flg_f_2pair=7 AND flg_f_2pair=8), but the report does not count them as one.
You can see what I mean in the picture I attached.
I also tried to attach the stat itself, but not sure it was successful. How can I send you a stat?
So I attach screen shots of the stat and column.
if[ NOT cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw, 0, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_highcard, 9, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_1pair, 8 , if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_2pair, 7, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_threeoak, 6, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_straight, 5 , if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_flush, 4, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_fullhouse, 3, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_fouroak, 2, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_strflush, 1, 0]]]]]]]]]]
myeari wrote:One more question, I would like to add also draws, and I found the relevant schemas (e.g., flg_t_straight_draw).
However, I think I will have the same problem again - this schemas would not differ between a straight draw with one or more of the player's hold cards and between a possible straight draw which exist on the board, using only board cards.
Is there a way to differ between those using another schema, as I used for made hand (i.e., id_f_hand_strength).
Also, If there is a schema like that, I would also need the numbers that are assigned to the various strength.
If there is not such a schema, maybe I can use the val_x_hole_cards_used?
myeari wrote:One last questions, where can I find a detailed information about the proper and various use of functions (e.g. IF) and Oprators (e.g. NOT)?
For example, I had to find by myself that I can use string 'XX' for IF function.
myeari wrote:And now I'm trying to use NOT next to a schema in the stat or column, and it doesn't let me (e.g., NOT of flg_showdown) in order to exclude all cases which the players exposed its hole cards, although he didn't reach showdown (and my stat count it as a made hand).
NOT cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_showdown
Flag_Hippo wrote:You need to specify the groupings you want using an expression within a custom column. As I suggested before take a look at and duplicate the custom columns used for the original custom statistics you downloaded instead as they can be the basis of a new statistic since they use a similar format. For example the column expression for the 'Made Hand Flop' player statistic is this:
- Code: Select all
if[ NOT cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw, 0, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_highcard, 9, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_1pair, 8 , if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_2pair, 7, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_threeoak, 6, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_straight, 5 , if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_flush, 4, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_fullhouse, 3, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_fouroak, 2, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_strflush, 1, 0]]]]]]]]]]
This column has 10 different groupings but yours will need more however bear in mind that each hand can only appear in one grouping. When the column has been created then you can create the labels for each grouping in the format expression of the custom statistic.
Flag_Hippo wrote:val_x_hole_cards_used is only used for made hands and there isn't an equivalent for straight draws.
myeari wrote:How the assignment of made hands to these grouping numbers (1, 2, 3...) translate into the correct labels (i.e., one pair, set, etc.) using the "lookup_from_id( this, 'finalgroup' )" function in the format expression of the stat?
In my case I will need different labels for a conjunction of schemas. How should I do it?
For example, which number should I assign to the conjunction of (cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_highcard AND cash_hand_player_combinations.val_f_hand_strength=2) in order to present the label of 'Two Overcards'?
where are these labels come from, and more important, can I create labels of my own by using a string ('xxx') instead of using numbers? this will be very helpful for my needs (e.g., for draws). And if yes, how the "lookup_from_id" will function?
myeari wrote:Could you please build a simple column and a stat for the examples above, so I can duplicate it for the others?
if[ NOT cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_showdown, 0, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_highcard AND cash_hand_player_combinations.id_f_hand_strength = 1, 1, if[ cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_highcard AND cash_hand_player_combinations.id_f_hand_strength = 2, 2 ,999]]]
if(this = 0, format('No Showdown'), if(this = 1, format('High Card 1 Over'), if(this = 2, format('High Card 2 Overs'), if(this = 999, format('Error'), ignore_formatting(this)))))
myeari wrote:I understand from this answer that I could not differ between a draw on a board (player has AK and the board is 6789) from a draw that uses player's hole cards (player has AT and the board us 789K)?
This is of course very problematic. What should I do to differ between these two types of draws?
myeari wrote:It will be highly helpful if you would insert a conjunction for a draw hand as well in the example stat (for example, high card with flush draw).
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_highcard and cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_flush_draw
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