WhiteRider wrote:Please close PT4 down and then re-run the ACR installer. If PT4 is running the ACR installer will not delete and not re-create the hand history folder. If PT4 is closed down the installer should set things up correctly, but once installed please check your settings to make sure that it is configured to save hand histories.
Thanks for the reply. This didn't work. All settings are configured correctly within ACR client. It's an ACR problem, not PT4. For clarity, was talking about the ACR hand replayer. It's bugged and I've communicated it with ACR support, but all they respond with is "we're working on it". Interesting because I've seen others with similar problems dating back to 2019.
My guess is the client isn't reading that "save hand history" is checked on. When I tried unchecking "save hand history" as a potential troubleshoot, neither the 'apply' or 'ok' button work. So, it won't let me uncheck the hand history box and apply it.
FYI, my tournament summary folder is working correctly and lets me uncheck and apply it.