Stat not displaying efective stack size properly

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Re: Stat not displaying efective stack size properly

Postby Flag_Hippo » Thu Nov 18, 2021 1:24 pm

To get what you want is going to need something else. If you want to be notifed if any changes are made to the database schema in this regard with a 'Hand Effective Stack Size' filter then you can open a Support Ticket and quote reference #4637. You might be able to get the data you want with a custom filter in 'My Reports' but that would require a subquery to test the stack of the other player whenever you receive a walk (for more on how SELECT works see here) although you cannot use graphs in a custom report.
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Re: Stat not displaying efective stack size properly

Postby NORMAN1986 » Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:29 pm

Flag_Hippo wrote:To get what you want is going to need something else. If you want to be notifed if any changes are made to the database schema in this regard with a 'Hand Effective Stack Size' filter then you can open a Support Ticket and quote reference #4637. You might be able to get the data you want with a custom filter in 'My Reports' but that would require a subquery to test the stack of the other player whenever you receive a walk (for more on how SELECT works see here) although you cannot use graphs in a custom report.

Ok so what is the usefukkness of the "filter by stack effective" if this one is corrupt?? It's so difficilt to implement this filter to works fine?? HM3 and PT4 same shit on this point.....big joke.
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Re: Stat not displaying efective stack size properly

Postby Flag_Hippo » Fri Nov 19, 2021 6:41 am

The effective stack filter works based on its specific definition in PokerTracker 4 which is the maximum amount a player could lose in a pot as of their first action in the hand. Effective stack is per player or it wouldn't scale to non-heads up situations well so for 3 handed player there are two potential effective stack sizes (assuming unequal stacks) and thus we need it to be per player. The current database schema doesn't record 'Hand Effective' data (based on the lowest stack in a hand) but you can add weight to that feature request and be notified of any change by opening a Support Ticket and quoting reference #4637.
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Re: Stat not displaying efective stack size properly

Postby Yashiro82 » Thu May 23, 2024 4:59 am


Was there any change?
A certain number of effective stack still does not include the rivals' walks?

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Re: Stat not displaying efective stack size properly

Postby Flag_Hippo » Thu May 23, 2024 6:18 am

There hasn't been any charge in this regard so in hands where the player receives a walk their effective stack will be zero.
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Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:50 am


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