Hud dependiendo por stack

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Hud dependiendo por stack

Postby Orange Green » Thu Jul 04, 2024 2:03 pm

Buenas, quiero crear algunas estadísticas dependiendo por el stack
Tengo un problema que cuando quiero ver el vpip de un stack que tenga entre 10 y 20bb me carga los eventos de cuando hay un stack de 40, me explico

Stat VPIP para SPR 10-20

Hero 30
Villano 30

Villano entra al bote

Me suma un evento en la stat mencionada anteriormente, cuando el dato que debería figurar seria -
Tengo el siguiente código

sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_vpip AND (tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 10 AND 20, 1, null])

Por otro lado aprovecho la oportunidad y consulto, si además de ver ese dato por stack también lo quiero ver por la cantidad de jugadores, cómo lo debería modificar?


Hello, I want to create some statistics depending on the stack
I have a problem that when I want to see the vpip of a stack that has between 10 and 20bb it loads the events when there is a stack of 40, let me explain.

Stat VPIP for SPR 10-20

Hero 30
Villain 30

Villain enters the boat

An event adds to the stat mentioned above, when the data that should appear would be -
I have the following code

sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_vpip AND (tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 10 AND 20, 1, null])

On the other hand, I take the opportunity and ask, if in addition to seeing that data by stack I also want to see it by the number of players, how should I modify it?
Orange Green
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:00 am

Re: Hud dependiendo por stack

Postby Flag_Hippo » Fri Jul 05, 2024 5:53 am

Orange Green wrote:Stat VPIP para SPR 10-20

Hero 30
Villano 30

Villano entra al bote

Me suma un evento en la stat mencionada anteriormente, cuando el dato que debería figurar seria -
Tengo el siguiente código

sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_vpip AND (tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 10 AND 20, 1, null])

Effective stack has a very specific meaning in PokerTracker - it's the maximum amount a player could potentially lose in a pot as of their first action in the hand so this can be lower than their actual stack. Were there other players with smaller stacks dealt into this hand? Did Hero fold before the Villain VPIP?
Orange Green wrote:Por otro lado aprovecho la oportunidad y consulto, si además de ver ese dato por stack también lo quiero ver por la cantidad de jugadores, cómo lo debería modificar?

You can determine that using:

Code: Select all
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Re: Hud dependiendo por stack

Postby Orange Green » Fri Jul 05, 2024 9:13 am

My problem is that if I have a stack greater than 21 and the villains too, it also adds it to my stat, which is 10 to 20 and I don't want it to add it.

Let's say the pfr
I have this code for positive events

sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.cnt_p_raise > 0
AND (tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 10 AND 20, 1, null])

And it is for all events

sum(if[ lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '__%' OR (lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '_' AND (tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_before > (tourney_blinds.amt_bb + tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_ante)) AND (tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_raise_facing < ( t_before - (tourney_hand_player_statistics .amt_blind + tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_ante))) AND (tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_open_opp OR tourney_hand_player_statistics.cnt_p_face_limpers > 0 OR tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_3bet_opp OR tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_4bet_o pp) ) AND (tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 10 AND 20, 1, null])

The stat code is as follows

(cnt_pfr_10_20bb / cnt_pfr_opp_10_20bb) * 100
Orange Green
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Re: Hud dependiendo por stack

Postby Flag_Hippo » Sat Jul 06, 2024 6:26 am

Orange Green wrote:My problem is that if I have a stack greater than 21 and the villains too, it also adds it to my stat, which is 10 to 20 and I don't want it to add it.

As per my previous reply a players effective stack is the maximum amount that a player could potentially lose in a pot as of their first action in the hand so this can be lower than their actual stack. If you are not sure how this works or if you think it's been calculated incorrectly then please provide a specific hand example. Lets say the action has been folded to you in the SB and you have a stack of 50BB. The player in the BB has a stack of 10BB. The most you can potentially lose in this hand is 10BB so your effective stack is 10BB.

If you want to use the players actual stack regardless of the effective stack size then you can use tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_before instead of tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack. tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_before is a players stack size before antes so if your games have antes you can subtract tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_ante from that to determine the players stack after the ante has been posted.
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Re: Hud dependiendo por stack

Postby Orange Green » Sat Jul 06, 2024 9:24 am

I understand you and thank you for your answers, that would not be the problem, not knowing English and using the translator may cause it to be misinterpreted.

I have a statistic that calculates the VPIP when the SPR is 10-20 and another that calculates 21+

Hero 30
Villain 30

Villain OR

VPIP +21 = 1/1
VPIP 10-20 = 0/1

I don't want to take 10-20 as an event.
I want a - to appear, not to take data

Second hand
Hero 12
Villain 16

Villain OR

VPIP +21 1/2 (Take as an event even though the effective stack is not greater than 21

I don't know if I can explain myself, but what I want is for it to only take the events that occur within that stack range and not take data outside that range.
Orange Green
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Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:00 am

Re: Hud dependiendo por stack

Postby Flag_Hippo » Sun Jul 07, 2024 5:35 am

Thanks for the clarification. Your original post only contains the expression you are using for the first (actions) column and not the second (opportunities) column for your custom VPIP statistic but if you are sure the expression in your custom column has the correct specification for the effective stack then rebuild your custom database cache via 'Database -> Database Management -> Rebuild Cache -> Custom Cache Rebuild' and see if that fixes it. It is recommended you rebuild the custom database cache anytime you create or make changes to custom statistics.
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