I am encountering some sort of error / issue where PostgreSQL is taking up ridiculous amounts of hard drive space. A few months ago I got a new laptop (lenovo legion), before that I had used an old laptop for years without issues with pokertracker. Already once after making the switch PostgreSQL took up literally all of the hard drive space (1000GB) quite quickly, I found the issue where one of the data files was repeatedly making 1GB files. I thought this might be a random bug and tried to resolve the issue by deleting the data folder with the files, but this caused issues so I needed to reinstal pokertracker and start with a fresh new database. The issue however has quickly come back. Currently my database has only 25000 cash and 4000 tournament hands, but PostgreSQL is already taking up 150GB of hard drive space.
The issue seems to be some sort of error within a specific folder of the data files, in the other folders files are <600kb, but in one there are multiple files taking up 1GB of space of a file that seems to be repeated. I have attached a jpeg showing what I mean. Could someone explain what on earth is going on? If I don't find a way to resolve this issue pokertracker will be unusable for me as PostgreSQL would quickly take up the entire hard drive space long before getting a database size of any meaningful value.