Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

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Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Mon Nov 18, 2024 11:03 am

Hey Team -

I'd like to know the percentage of time a player Bets or Raises with a Hand that's Less Than what the Board Reveals. I'm looking for two example situations at this time:

1. Bets or Raises Pair into a Boarded Overcard - such as with KK and there's a Boarded Ace.
2. Bets or Raises into a Boarded Made Draw - such as with a Set or lower and there's a Boarded Made Flush or Straight.

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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby Flag_Hippo » Mon Nov 18, 2024 1:56 pm

See this post which lists all the id_x_hand_strength values for a given hand strength. For example a pocket pair which is lower than the highest flop card but higher than the second highest flop card would be:

Code: Select all
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_1pair and cash_hand_player_combinations.id_f_hand_strength = 5
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Mon Nov 18, 2024 10:47 pm

Hey Team -

I'm understanding from all of this that there's NINE Hand Strength Groups and within each group, there's a List of Various Hand Types by Hand Strength - Like a Parent / Child relationship between the two data sets. Also, it appears that each Group identifier is stored with a seperate field. Is that correct? And if so, for a Played Hand, is the Group Identifier for the Hand stored in a Single Field somewhere?

For my testcase, based on the Intel you pointed to in another post, I don't see two common board scenarios in the cash_hand_player_combinations.id_f_hand_strength Field for the cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_1pair Group:

- Board Paired, Lower than the Highest/Top Board Card
- Pocket Pair, Lower than the Highest/Top Board Card

Following are the listed values from the Post Within One Pair:
0 - Board Paired or low pocket pair (under the 3rd board card)
1 - Bottom pair
2 - Pair higher than the lowest board card
3 - Top Pair
4 - Pocket Pair, higher than the lowest board card but lower than the 2nd highest board card (low-middle)
5 - Pocket Pair, middle pair - specifically, a pair lower than the top board card and higher than the 2nd highest board card (high-middle)
6 - Pocket Pair, overpair

Thanks, David
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Mon Nov 18, 2024 10:52 pm

My apology, I meant to type... I'm understanding from all of this that there's NINE Hand Strength Groups and within each group, there's a List of Various Board Types related to various ways a Hand Group is constructed by Hand Strength.
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Tue Nov 19, 2024 1:23 am

Also, If I'm just interested in knowing the texture of the Board, for example 3 Cards to a Flush or Straight, where can I find that information? Do you store anywhere that a Board is Monotone, 2-Tone, Rainbow, etc.?

Thanks, David
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby Flag_Hippo » Tue Nov 19, 2024 8:26 am

wallacedavidl wrote:Also, it appears that each Group identifier is stored with a seperate field. Is that correct? And if so, for a Played Hand, is the Group Identifier for the Hand stored in a Single Field somewhere?

Everything is stored in the cash_hand_player_combinations database table - see this post for more information.
wallacedavidl wrote:For my testcase, based on the Intel you pointed to in another post, I don't see two common board scenarios in the cash_hand_player_combinations.id_f_hand_strength Field for the cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_1pair Group:

- Board Paired, Lower than the Highest/Top Board Card

That falls into hand strength 0 for one pair hands. If you want to be more specific you would need to test and compare the ranks of the cards - see below.
wallacedavidl wrote:- Pocket Pair, Lower than the Highest/Top Board Card

That falls into hand strength 0, 4 or 5 for one pair hands depending on the pocket pairs value compared to the community cards.
wallacedavidl wrote:Also, If I'm just interested in knowing the texture of the Board, for example 3 Cards to a Flush or Straight, where can I find that information? Do you store anywhere that a Board is Monotone, 2-Tone, Rainbow, etc.?

That is done by comparing the board card values. The community cards dealt in order are cash_hand_summary.card_1 through to cash_hand_summary.card_5 - this post covers the card values. As an example testing for a monotone flop looks like this:

Code: Select all
(cash_hand_summary.card_1 > 0 and cash_hand_summary.card_1 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 - 1) % 13) = cash_hand_summary.card_2 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1) % 13) and cash_hand_summary.card_2 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 - 1) % 13) = cash_hand_summary.card_3 - ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 - 1) % 13))

This post has more information on how the modulo function works. If you start PokerTracker 4 with logging enabled (turn that on via 'Configure -> Options') you can review the PokerTracker 4 log file for these type of queries. To do that run a simple custom report and then add a built-in filter for the 'Board Texture' you want. Next select the 'File -> Open User Data Folder' option, go into the 'Logs' folder and open the 'PokerTracker4.log' file in a text editor. At the bottom of that file you can extract the SQL that was used for the query.
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Tue Nov 19, 2024 9:00 am

Thanks a million. I have some studying to do.
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Tue Nov 19, 2024 10:04 am

Hey Team -
I did some searching and found the following as it relates to the Hand group a players Hold Cards reside in as it relates to the Board. It's all in seperate fields/columns. A couple of questions:

1. If a hand turns out to be flg_f_2pair, what are the values in the remaining 8 field/columns?
2. Once a hand is played, do you store the final Group Name in a single field somewhere, or must I test for the presence of the appropriate value in each of the 9 Group Fields/Columns?

It seams as if a Database View would make this a lot easier to digest and process. Following are the fields/columns...

cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_highcard is 9
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_1pair is 8
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_2pair is 7
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_threeoak is 6
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_straight is 5
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_flush is 4
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_fullhouse is 3
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_fouroak is 2
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_strflush is 1
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby Flag_Hippo » Tue Nov 19, 2024 2:57 pm

wallacedavidl wrote:1. If a hand turns out to be flg_f_2pair, what are the values in the remaining 8 field/columns?

There are 10 id_x_hand_strengths for 2pair hands and those are detailed in the post linked earlier:
Quote wrote:Within Two Pair:
0 - Board Double Paired (Note: only valid for turn and river)
1 - Board Paired, low pair (34 on a KK378 board)
2 - Board Paired, middle pair (QJ on a AT8JT board)
3 - Board Paired, top pair (KQ on a JTTQ8 board)
4 - Pocket Pair, low pair (88 on a 9JJQK board)
5 - Pocket Pair, middle pair (JJ on an A7633 board)
6 - Pocket Pair, overpair
7 - Low two pair (78 on a K78T3 board)
8 - Top and middle pair (K7 on a K78T3 board)
9 - Top two pair (KT on a K78T3 board)

wallacedavidl wrote:2. Once a hand is played, do you store the final Group Name in a single field somewhere, or must I test for the presence of the appropriate value in each of the 9 Group Fields/Columns?

It seams as if a Database View would make this a lot easier to digest and process. Following are the fields/columns...

cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_highcard is 9
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_1pair is 8
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_2pair is 7
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_threeoak is 6
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_straight is 5
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_flush is 4
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_fullhouse is 3
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_fouroak is 2
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_strflush is 1

These do not have the values you are assigning here. Anything that uses flg is either true or false (aka a flag or boolean value). For example if you wanted a column that just counted how often a player flopped two pair (of any type) that would be:

Code: Select all
sum(if[cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_2pair, 1, 0])

If you wanted to count specific types of 2pair hands then that's where the id_x_hand_strength values come in. For example if you wanted a column that counts how often a player had top two pair on the flop that would be:

Code: Select all
sum(if[cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_2pair and cash_hand_player_combinations.id_f_hand_strength = 9, 1, 0])
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Tue Nov 19, 2024 4:09 pm

Great stuff. Can you send the code for a "Straight" board texture, in the way you did for a "Monotone" one?

Thanks again, David
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