Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Tue Nov 26, 2024 1:47 pm

Hey Team -

Thanks for everything and have a great holiday season.

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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Tue Nov 26, 2024 4:04 pm

Hey, Team -

Will the following two tests for a Bet or Raise on the FLOP yield the same result?

1. (lookup_actions_f.action = 'B' OR lookup_actions_f.action LIKE '%R')
2. (amt_f_bet_made > 0 OR amt_f_raise_made > 0 OR
amt_f_raise_made_2 > 0)

And finally,
Within High Card:
0 - No overcards
1 - One overcard
2 - Two overcards

Does 0 mean the Player's Hand has no Overcards, or that the Board has no Overcards to the Player's Hand?

Thanks, David

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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby Flag_Hippo » Wed Nov 27, 2024 6:58 am

wallacedavidl wrote:Will the following two tests for a Bet or Raise on the FLOP yield the same result?

1. (lookup_actions_f.action = 'B' OR lookup_actions_f.action LIKE '%R')
2. (amt_f_bet_made > 0 OR amt_f_raise_made > 0 OR
amt_f_raise_made_2 > 0)

No. lookup_actions_f.action = 'B' is not going to account for hands when the player took any further flop actions after facing a flop raise and lookup_actions_f.action LIKE '%R' isn't going to account for hands where a players final flop action isn't a raise. Testing for a bet or raise at any point would be:

Code: Select all
lookup_actions_f.action LIKE 'B%' OR lookup_actions_f.action LIKE '%R%'

or you can use:

Code: Select all
lookup_actions_f.action SIMILAR TO '(B%|%R%)'

For more information on pattern matching with PostgreSQL see this guide.
wallacedavidl wrote:And finally,
Within High Card:
0 - No overcards
1 - One overcard
2 - Two overcards

Does 0 mean the Player's Hand has no Overcards, or that the Board has no Overcards to the Player's Hand?

That means the players holecards did not contain a card higher than the highest board card.
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Wed Nov 27, 2024 6:12 pm

Hey Team -

Thanks. The hand strength test within groups using your input on the built-in hand strength table scenarious is working now...

1. What's the format for the lookup_actions_f.action for a Check?
2. Within a Statistic, what does to use of Variables provide that a Column doesn't?
3. Now I'm working to finalize the logic for an ACROSS Hand Strength Group test. Remember, I created static Board Texture Players Column expressions for any Straight or Flush board. Will those Board Textures allow me to do something like the following:

(my_flop_made_straight AND
(cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_highcard OR
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_1pair OR
(lookup_actions_f.action SIMILAR TO '(B%|%R%)')

Thanks, David
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Thu Nov 28, 2024 4:44 am

Hey Team -

I just realized the condition I have in the CASE logic in question 3 above is flawed. I need to use
a lookup on id_holdcard to test conditions such as when there's a feasible boarded straight and a player has a pair, set, etc.
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby Flag_Hippo » Thu Nov 28, 2024 7:58 am

wallacedavidl wrote:1. What's the format for the lookup_actions_f.action for a Check?

Code: Select all
lookup_actions_f.action = 'X'

wallacedavidl wrote:2. Within a Statistic, what does to use of Variables provide that a Column doesn't?

See this thread for an example.
wallacedavidl wrote:3. Now I'm working to finalize the logic for an ACROSS Hand Strength Group test. Remember, I created static Board Texture Players Column expressions for any Straight or Flush board. Will those Board Textures allow me to do something like the following:

(my_flop_made_straight AND
(cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_highcard OR
cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_1pair OR
(lookup_actions_f.action SIMILAR TO '(B%|%R%)')

What is 'my_flop_made_straight' referring to? If that's a name of a separate column you have created then you can't do that as one column cannot be referenced in another. You need to test the players hand strength and the board you want within the same column.
wallacedavidl wrote:I just realized the condition I have in the CASE logic in question 3 above is flawed. I need to use
a lookup on id_holdcard to test conditions such as when there's a feasible boarded straight and a player has a pair, set, etc.

I don't understand why you would need to "use a lookup on id_holdcard" to test for that. If a player has one pair on the flop and the flop has a possible straight then that would be:

Code: Select all
SUM(CASE WHEN (cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_1pair AND ((((((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 != cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13 and cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 != cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13 and cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13 != cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13 and (((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 = 0 OR cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13 = 0 OR cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13 = 0) AND ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 BETWEEN 0 and 4 and cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13 BETWEEN 0 and 4 and cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13 BETWEEN 0 and 4) OR ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 IN (0,9,10,11,12)) AND (cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13 IN (0,9,10,11,12)) AND (cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13 IN (0,9,10,11,12))) )) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13 BETWEEN ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13) + 1) and ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13) + 4) AND cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13 BETWEEN ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13) + 1) and ((cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13) + 4)) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 BETWEEN ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13) + 1) and ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13) + 4) AND cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13 BETWEEN ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13) + 1) and ((cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13) + 4)) OR (cash_hand_summary.card_2 % 13 BETWEEN ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13) + 1) and ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13) + 4) AND cash_hand_summary.card_1 % 13 BETWEEN ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13) + 1) and ((cash_hand_summary.card_3 % 13) + 4)))))))))) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

Note that this column cannot be cached as it does not contain a reference to cash_hand_player_statistics:

Guide: Database Caching (When a Column Cannot be Cached)

To enable the use of the cache you can just add a known condition for the player which must be true for the hand such as cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw.
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Thu Nov 28, 2024 2:43 pm

Hey Team -

Thanks for the reply and Happy Holiday. It was the Thanksgiving Vodka and Orange Juice buzz attempting to think logically.

Thanks again,
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Thu Nov 28, 2024 9:25 pm

Hey Team -

Is the following the correct way to test for a player CHECK?

lookup_actions_r.action LIKE 'C%'

And thanks for everything. You can close this thread.

Have a great Holiday season and New Year.

Thanks again,
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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby wallacedavidl » Fri Nov 29, 2024 6:57 am

Hey Team -
I created a Statistic Report and it generated the following code for when a player CALLS or CHECKS the Flop. It's different from the lookup_actions_f.action you recommended I use for Bets and Raises in my Custom Stat. I which direction should I go with this? And I don't know how to use the lookup_actions_r.action column to accomplish the same thing.

((((((cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw))AND ((cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_check))))AND ((((cash_hand_player_statistics.cnt_f_call > 0)))))))

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Re: Bets or Raises with Less Than a Board Reveal

Postby Flag_Hippo » Fri Nov 29, 2024 8:10 am

wallacedavidl wrote:Is the following the correct way to test for a player CHECK?

lookup_actions_r.action LIKE 'C%'

As per my previous reply a check is represented with an 'X'. 'C' is for calls.
wallacedavidl wrote:I created a Statistic Report and it generated the following code for when a player CALLS or CHECKS the Flop.

((((((cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw))AND ((cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_check))))AND ((((cash_hand_player_statistics.cnt_f_call > 0)))))))

What you've pasted here isn't for calling or checking the flop. If you read it then you can see it uses 'AND' which is different from 'OR':

cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_check AND cash_hand_player_statistics.cnt_f_call > 0

will not give the same results as:

cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_check OR cash_hand_player_statistics.cnt_f_call > 0
wallacedavidl wrote:I which direction should I go with this? And I don't know how to use the lookup_actions_r.action column to accomplish the same thing.

It depends on the specifics of what you want to accomplish. Players can take a variey of different actions on a street and they can be included/excluded as required. If you want when a player checks OR calls at any point on the flop regardless of prior or subsequent flop actions they have taken you can just use:

Code: Select all
cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_check OR cash_hand_player_statistics.cnt_f_call > 0

If you want to include/exclude specific sequences of flop actions a player could potentially take then you would use lookup_actions_f.action. The actions string is the actions of the player in order on that street represented by letters (X, B, C, R and/or F).
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