by FlashDeath » Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:56 am
As the title suggests, PT4 seems to be working fine for normal tables but some of the tables are Run It Twice, and today I was playing one of those and I noticed after a while that it wasn't showing any HUDs on that table. I then realized that the small icon in the top center of the table that shows that the table has been recognized (and has options to unlock/lock layout and edit HUD profiles, etc) wasn't even there. So I take it that means it's not an issue with the converter that I'm using (Advanced Poker Tools' Pokerbaazi converter) and actually a PT4 issue? If this is because of something faulty on my end, please lemme know what and how to fix it. If not, then is the PT4 team aware of this issue already and working on fixing? Or is this news?