Tournament summary for Everest Poker ?

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Tournament summary for Everest Poker ?

Postby vonBrabant » Sun Jun 22, 2008 3:56 am

Hi everybody,
I play SnG's on Everest Poker and would like to automate the input of the tournament summaries into PokerTracker. Unfortunately, Everest does not provide summary files in the style of FullTilt.

My question is now: If I would create summary files in the style of FullTilt for my Everest tournaments, would PokerTracker recognize these artificial summary files and process them, or does PokerTracker 'know' that FT summary files only belong to FT hand histories ??


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Re: Tournament summary for Everest Poker ?

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Jun 22, 2008 4:20 am

Wouldn't it be easier to just enter the info into PT3 rather than creating a file for it?
I don't think this would work now, although it's possible a generic summary file format could be developed.
Are you aware of the "Auto Fill" feature for single tables SNGs?
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Re: Tournament summary for Everest Poker ?

Postby vonBrabant » Sun Jun 22, 2008 4:44 am

I know the "auto fill" feature, but it is cumbersome to use and only does half the job (sorry).
For each tournament I have to set 1 table SnG, save & autofill. And then the buyIns are still missing. And if I have to re-create my PT database I have to do it all again :-(

If there would be a generic summary file format (or just define the FT format as the generic one) I could write a small script which generates summary files for my tournaments (since I play mostly $10 single table SnG's) and I had much less trouble.
Maybe such a feature would also be interesting for others !?
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Re: Tournament summary for Everest Poker ?

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Jun 22, 2008 5:00 am

You are right about the auto fill option at the moment, but it will be improved to make it (and the rest of tournament summary entry) more efficient.
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Re: Tournament summary for Everest Poker ?

Postby olator » Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:21 am

I already have send a request about this. PT2 was able to auto fill the sng summary because Table name for sng are unique (and doesn't change) for each different sng. So table name define the price struct, the numb of player, the buy in, ...
So if you want we could provide you a list of all sng name with the corresponding information.
I think you should watch how it work on PT2 and do something similare.

Same for cash game table : table name define the limit, and the number max of player on this table. So it is possible to exactly know if a table is a full ring, short handed or hu table. (see ticket #11390)
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Re: Tournament summary for Everest Poker ?

Postby vonBrabant » Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:19 am

What do you mean Olator?
You are right that a certain Everest table name, like "Smolika", is always the same tournament type and buy in.
But unfortunately the hand histor y does not contain this name, but only a number that changes from tournament to tournament. So from the HH it is not possible to know that this is table "Smolika" :-(

<SESSION time="1214159008" tableName="26538792-0" id="26538792" type="tournament" money="" screenName="XXX" game="hold-em" gametype="no-limit"/>
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Re: Tournament summary for Everest Poker ?

Postby olator » Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:22 am

For SNG the name of the table is "TableName-Number". This line you show is a the head for a MTT tournament. For MTT there isn't a specific name which describe the MTT type. But for sng there is. So it could be possible to use this to fill the tournament summary for the sng
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Re: Tournament summary for Everest Poker ?

Postby vonBrabant » Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:39 pm

No sorry, that is the head of a single table SnG !!
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Re: Tournament summary for Everest Poker ?

Postby olator » Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:02 pm

so everest seem to have change is hh format. That's not cool
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Re: Tournament summary for Everest Poker ?

Postby Sacamantecas » Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:12 am

Also waiting for the autofill feature to complete, at the moment I don't use PT3 because I have to add data to each SnG and furthermore I cannot even list the players by number of SnGs playing against, one of the features I used most on PT2.

I tried to make a custom report without being succesfully
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