PT3 under Linux

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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PT3 under Linux

Postby BatsShadow » Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:09 pm

I have Beta3 running under Ubuntu Gutsy and Wine and haven't detected any problems so far.

1. Install postgres
2. Create a new postgres database user (the -P is to set a password):
createuser -P poker
3. Follow all the steps here to install PT2:
(you can probably skip the part where you actually install PT. All the other steps are what is important)
4. Install PT3.

I really love the UI reorganization and all the graphs and I'm excited to try out the HUD on Linux.
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Re: PT3 under Linux

Postby dirtylobster » Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:55 am

What sites do you play on? Are you using their respective Windows clients under Wine?
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Re: PT3 under Linux (mostly)

Postby bugsbunny » Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:39 am

Questions (probably for Josh ar all, but if anyone else knows that's fine):

What is the status of native (non-wine) Linux support?

If I do install under wine how do I access a native Linux postgres install on the same machine? I don't mind (too much) if the UI runs under wine since I'll have to install site clients there as well, but I want to leave my postgres install running natively.

Similar question if I'm running using a VM rather than Wine (which may be necessary if site doesn't run under Wine. Last time I tried to get FTP running under Wine I had some problems, but that was a while ago. Can I access postgres using native calls or do I still need odbc in that case (assuming odbc is still available).

I can try and get things installed now, but unfortunately I won't be able to actually play until end of month at the earliest.

oh - is there a schema for the DB available, or do I have to figure it out for myself :)

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Re: PT3 under Linux

Postby Josh » Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:26 pm

Linux support is non-existent at this point. Unfortunately, we don't have the time to work with Linux users on getting the beta working, so you'll have to rely on each other for now. Hopefully, later down the road, we'll have a native Linux client, but we can't confirm that will happen for sure.

As for using PT3 under Wine and a native PostgreSQL install, just enter the PostgreSQL server information into PT3 when it asks. The database schema is in a file in the PT3 directory: Data\Schemas\schemas.postgres.sql
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Re: PT3 under Linux

Postby feydreva » Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:04 pm

PT3 works great so far with wine. I had no inssue installing it nor configuring it
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Re: PT3 under Linux

Postby BatsShadow » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:18 pm

[quote="dirtylobster"jf0]What sites do you play on? Are you using their respective Windows clients under Wine?[/quotejf0]

Stars only. Yes, I am using the Windows client under Wine with the user.ini preferences noted on the Wine HQ PokerStars page. As a side note, I have stars outputting hand histories to a non-default location and both stars and PT are totally ok with this. My root dir / shows up as Z: in wine. The only issue I have is for some reason, under the PT settings on Auto-import PT says "Poker Stars does not appear to be installed."

I run Linux native Postgres 8.2 and point PT at localhost. Josh, will I lose any functionality by not upgrading to 8.3?
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Re: PT3 under Linux

Postby Josh » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:13 pm

We plan on making PT3 compatible with all 8.x versions of PostgreSQL, so there's no need to upgrade to 8.3.
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