all the same crashes, but the hud stats are disappearing for me now too, i guess they did make some changes. i think maybe the hud stats disappearing, might just be the hud crashing without getting the pop up error message.because it doesnt seem like they come back on, and i have to shut down pt3 and start it back up for it to work, and 2 times click the pt windows the error msg did come up. guess ill post in this thread if i learn more about this new (apparently) occurrence.
also because of the database changes that were supposed to be made, that took .5 seconds so i assume it didnt happen. i exported all my hands and re-imported them. hoping that would help something. it didnt, and also pt3 kept freezing up at the same hand number in the ftp folder it was importing. after 3rd of 4th try i got it to go through. still having probs.
if i go back to beta 14, how long do i have till it expires? ( i already posted my logs (for the hud crash) for 15 on support ticket, which prob show the same thing as 14, 13.1, 13, and 12, but they are posted).
also i cant remember if build 2 had this same hud crash, or if it was a different crash... i remember the betas crashing a lot more than build 2, but build 2 was crashing, plus b2 didnt show hero stats.
what should i do? im sooo about to give up on you guys, and chalk it up as a $90 bad beat.