Importing hands to empty DB requires restart?

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Importing hands to empty DB requires restart?

Postby dray » Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:14 pm

So after installing b4 I created a new database, set as active/default, and removed the old one.

Importing a few hand histories (cash, not tournament, only 350 or so hands total) into this DB via auto import did not show any players/stats until after PT3 was restarted.

Starting over with a fresh DB the same was seen with manual import.

Repeating again with an empty DB and using manual import on a mixture of tournament & cash histories resulted in the tournament players/stats/etc being seen under the tournament tab immediately as I would expect, but the cash players/stats werent present until after a restart. Its likely relevant that the tournament hands were all imported first, followed by all the cash hands (as a single import, this ordering was just a result of the filenames). Totals were around 3500 tournament hands, 350 cash (yes, the same hands as above).

Switching to a different active database and back again results in all players/stats being shown correctly without a restart being required.
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Re: Importing hands to empty DB requires restart?

Postby Josh » Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:28 pm

Try using the "Refresh" button. It should reload all the stats, including the newly imported ones.
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Re: Importing hands to empty DB requires restart?

Postby dray » Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:37 pm

Indeed it does, bah how did I miss that?

Regardless: shouldnt a manual import force a refresh when its complete?
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Re: Importing hands to empty DB requires restart?

Postby Josh » Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:38 pm

I will be adding an option that allows for this.
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Re: Importing hands to empty DB requires restart?

Postby skoldpadda » Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:41 pm

Is there any use to keeping the old database once the hands have been transferred to the new one? I'm guessing no, but wanted to make sure.
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Re: Importing hands to empty DB requires restart?

Postby _dave_ » Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:45 pm

[quote="skoldpadda"8r6]Is there any use to keeping the old database once the hands have been transferred to the new one? I'm guessing no, but wanted to make sure.[/quote8r6]

Pretty much no.

However, if you install new PT3 to a different folder (e.g. Program files\PT3b4), without overwriting the old installation, you can run them both concurrently and compare things between versions. This may be of value if you suspect a bug has been introduced and wish to check.
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