Task Manager says PT3b4 is 99% cpu

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Task Manager says PT3b4 is 99% cpu

Postby dj11 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:49 pm

Fresh boot.
PT3(b4) to start the program.
I may or may not get the old database error, I have created a new one. If I get that box, and click OK, the PT3 window comes up, but the hourglass goes on, and I have NO task bar.

Windows Task Manager tells me that PT3 is eating 99% of my cpu usage. The hourglass is still shapely.

I tried loading Firefox, and watched TM show me how slow it loaded. Every once in a while PT3 would relinquish a few % and a bit more of Firefox would load. Eventually (several minutes), Firefox loaded.

Win XP Home, latest updates. My system is fast enough to watch online movies, plenty of disk space.


Oh yeah, I still have that STop postgreSQL/Start PostgreSQL issue, else the PT3 window will come up, but when I start auto import, I get an server error.
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Re: Task Manager says PT3b4 is 99% cpu

Postby midas » Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:59 pm

See this post, it might help.

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Re: Task Manager says PT3b4 is 99% cpu

Postby dj11 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:09 pm

I did that, and it helped.


I just checked, and for some reason it went back to the bad version.

I changed it again, and made sure I saved it.

This time it comes up, well enough so I could import from my b3 processed file.
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Re: Task Manager says PT3b4 is 99% cpu

Postby Josh » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:20 pm

Download beta 4 again and reinstall.
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Re: Task Manager says PT3b4 is 99% cpu

Postby dj11 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:40 pm

I've already done that.

Seems the tabs issue is a dynamic thing. I have saved the recommended changes, and restarted with success, but when I close the PT3 window, it reverts to the bad setting. I am not sure if it does that if I exit PT3 via the task bar. More to come. Middle of a sng at the moment.
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Re: Task Manager says PT3b4 is 99% cpu

Postby dj11 » Wed Feb 13, 2008 11:45 pm


I decided to do a complete wipe of all previous PT's.

But first I saved processed files to my desktop, then even restored an older PT3 beta processed files and and added them on my desktop.
Then via add/remove in control panel removed both PT3b3 and postgresql then deleted the folders from my drive.

Downloaded fresh, chose all defaults, and so far so good. I copied the files from my desktop into processed, and then imported them into PT3b4. Not so sure that was the right thing to do.

Biggest problem so far is that my winnings did not translate through this process. Gives me that challenging ski slope graph ........
Posts: 181
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