Importing Plain Text Files PT3 & PTO

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Importing Plain Text Files PT3 & PTO

Postby chadsdavis » Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:24 am

So I got FTP & PS to email my 08 calendar year HH's to me and I unzipped the files and manually imported them into PT3 and then C, V, & A the database. Everything seemed to go smooth except for one small 5 minute delay where PT3 froze and became "Not Responding" according to my computer....Then all of a sudden it popped back up and the import green bar (status) was almost to the end like it had still been importing while the program seemed to be froze.

Then I go and import the FTP HH's into my PTO and everything goes very smooth, now I am trying to import the PS HH's into my PTO and after about 12 minutes of importing (Approx 63k hands) the system has completely froze up (Not Responding) and has now been like this for about 15 minutes?

Should I just wait and see if the system ever begins to respond again or should I "stop task" and restart the entire import (Would be THOUSANDS of dups) again????

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Re: Importing Plain Text Files PT3 & PTO

Postby chadsdavis » Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:28 am

When pulling up my task manager screen and looking at the processes pto.exe memory is at 198k and steadily rising. Does this mean that the import is still working even though the PTO program shows "Not Responding'"???

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Re: Importing Plain Text Files PT3 & PTO

Postby chadsdavis » Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:55 am

Ok so after a long while of waiting on PTO to become "responsive" an error screen popped up saying that my PTO was out of memory and then it quickly Closed the entire program.
I reopened PTO and it seemed to open fine. I was going to Cluster, Vacuum, Analyze like in PT3 and then try to reimport the plain text file of my 63k PStars hands but I can't find a Cluster, Vacuum, Analyze option in PTO???

Can someone please help me.

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Re: Importing Plain Text Files PT3 & PTO

Postby chadsdavis » Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:58 am

So I tried to simply start the import over in PTO and within 5 seconds of importing the hands from the file the program went "non responsive" again....

:x :x :x :x :x
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Re: Importing Plain Text Files PT3 & PTO

Postby chadsdavis » Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:06 am

I know this probably now needs to be moved to PTO category but I don't want to waste space by opening another thread....

I "compacted" the PTO database and then tried for the 3rd time to import the text file (63k hands)....
After PTO was importing files for over 1 hour the screen went suddenly blank and then an error screen popped up that said PTO is out of memory to continue and it shut down completely....

When I reopen PTO it seems to be working perfectly except NONE of the hands from the text file has been imported in.

Is it possible to have a file TOO BIG to import??? Would 63k hands be too much???

I would think there would have to be a way to make this work right???

Also what is the equivalent to Cluster, Vacuum, Analyze on PTO???

Needing Help

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Re: Importing Plain Text Files PT3 & PTO

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:51 am

I'll move this to the PTO section where you'll get better help.
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Re: Importing Plain Text Files PT3 & PTO

Postby chadsdavis » Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:19 am

I don't understand what is happening??

To re-interate what has happened in the PTO thus far...and I will try to add anything that I left out earlier...

I opened PTO and manually imported a text file of FullTiltPoker hands (3400) that seemed to have no problems other than at the "import successful" screen showing that there were several "duplicate hands" that weren't repeatedly imported (Of which I don't know how as I hadn't played any omaha on FTP since purchasing PTO....Nonetheless several hands were imported successfully from this file.

Then I manually imported a same type text file from Pstars that had approximately 63 or 64 thousand hands (Both cash/tournament/holdem/omaha just as in the FullTilt file) and after a long while of scrolling through hand numbers during import the PTO program went non responsive...I waited for several moments and finally an error "out of memory" pop up window came up and PTO closed.

I opened PTO back up and none of the PStars hands had been imported. I tried to manually import again and after 5-10 seconds of importing PTO went "Not Responding" again and shut down.

I then opened PTO up again and did a "compact a poker database" after which I tried to import the PokerStars text file again and this time the program imported files for over 1 hour. I know that it had to be somewhat close to finishing the import but then to my dismay the pop up "out of memory" window popped up again and instantly closed the program.

I reopened PTO and it had added no hands to my database thus me realizing that none of the hands during the over 1 hour before it melted down import attempt had been saved.

What can I do???

Try to copy and paste half the file (30k) hands to a different Notepad file and try and import 2 seperate files at a time???

Surely it is possible to import these 60K hands in one file no???

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Re: Importing Plain Text Files PT3 & PTO

Postby ptrack mike » Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:46 am

First of all, "Compact" is only used for Access databases, if you use a PostgreSQL database in PTO, all the database functions are under Utilities > PostgreSQL Database Functions.

Second and most important, a 63k hand file is too big to import into PTO. Use Utilities > File Splitter to break the file into more manageable files. Then Use the File > Auto-import > Generic Setup to import the files in one shot from the folder they are in. Let it go until it finishes even if it says Not Responding.
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Re: Importing Plain Text Files PT3 & PTO

Postby chadsdavis » Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:18 am

It asks me to set up my PostgreSQL settings????
I never had to do this when I downloaded PTO I figured it worked off what I had set up for PT3.

I have no idea what/how/why to fill out the form under the PostgreSQL settings tab.
IS this something I need to do? If so could you tell me how to find the username/password it is asking me for as well as the Port, Server, ODBC Entry to Use, and Encoding???

Again I apologize but I have no idea what to do about this.
I am now going to try and import the files the way you advised.

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Re: Importing Plain Text Files PT3 & PTO

Postby chadsdavis » Wed Jul 30, 2008 7:23 am

I am using the file splitter and it asked me in a drop down box how many hands per file...I chose the most it showed 300 because it is such a large number of hands, it started splitting and counting up to 170 hands and then "froze" again "Not Responding".

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