Beta 15 Released

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby nikeshen » Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:04 am


I installed beta 15 but now the players constantly appear in the wrong places. After several hands the stats will reappear under the right players, but then it will reappear in the wrong places again. This is extremely annoying especially when you're playing 10+ tables. I've never had this problem before installing beta 15.

Also, sometimes the stats just disappear on a table (while all the other tables are displaying normally). This occurs before beta 15 and still is a problem.
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby Thomas42 » Tue Jul 29, 2008 5:48 am

nikeshen wrote:Hi,

I installed beta 15 but now the players constantly appear in the wrong places. After several hands the stats will reappear under the right players, but then it will reappear in the wrong places again. This is extremely annoying especially when you're playing 10+ tables. I've never had this problem before installing beta 15.

Also, sometimes the stats just disappear on a table (while all the other tables are displaying normally). This occurs before beta 15 and still is a problem.

I have noticed similar things, but only when I have opened 5+ tables. With 1-2 tables there is no problems.

If you are using preferred seating PT3 wont know your seat until after you have played one hand, that why the stats appear in the wrong place when you are new at a table.
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby Eric Poker » Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:26 am

I had performance issues when multitabling with build 2
Beta 15 and Enhance Hud performance fix them all

Eric Poker
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby lutzio » Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:34 pm

The normal hud-stats work fine, but the popup stats take ages to load. Thats really annoying :/
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby Pat2k » Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:33 pm

I'm having many problems with the new release none of which were experienced before. The following of which are:

1. Auto import does not record all my hands. Yesterday I played an 1800 hand session and only ~300 were recorded by PT3. I managed to get the hhs on my database after requesting them and doing a manual import but I am curious and concerned as to why it only logged 1/6 my hands.

2. Nothing imports for tournaments, and the hud does not appear. Hud has popped up once or twice but with stats all over the place.

3. For my cash game sessions the hud displays my own stats from the whole database rather than the hands I have played for that session on that table (searched about in hud config for this but couldn't find anything).

I play mainly 6max NLHE on stars (usually 12 tabling) and often have a couple of FR tournaments running at the same time.

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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby Pat2k » Thu Jul 31, 2008 11:05 pm

No problem with my PT3!! It was me having Vista and not running as administrator, which means stars was not storing the hand histories to my computer for PT3 to use. I am an idiot, sorry PT3 :)
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby PoliteElephant » Fri Aug 01, 2008 3:32 am

lutzio wrote:The normal hud-stats work fine, but the popup stats take ages to load. Thats really annoying :/

I have essentially the same problem. My HUD stats come up after a while, but the popups take heaps longer, if they come at all.

I've responded by customizing the HUD stats to contain heaps of stuff that I used to get from the popups. But obviously that is kinda annoying.

Furthermore, even the HUD often takes an impractical amount of time to come up, like 30 hands or so.
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:26 am

PoliteElephant wrote:I have essentially the same problem. My HUD stats come up after a while, but the popups take heaps longer, if they come at all.

I've responded by customizing the HUD stats to contain heaps of stuff that I used to get from the popups. But obviously that is kinda annoying.

Furthermore, even the HUD often takes an impractical amount of time to come up, like 30 hands or so.

Please follow the steps in the Beta 15 release notes to see if we can work out what is causing your problems.
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby PoliteElephant » Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:46 am

Yup, already done that. Just letting lutzio know my problem is also his/hers.
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Re: Beta 15 Released

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:55 am

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