In 6 max games some players play very different based on their position in the hand while others don't change based on position as much. A very tight UTG player might play completely different from the cut off while another player with the same "overall" numbers might be playing almost the same from UTG as they do from the cutoff. In this example, the first player's UTG action should be respected more and late position action respected less. While the second player's UTG action wouldn't mean any more then his action from any other position.
What I'm trying to say is that the HUD numbers help as an overall guide, but if there was an option to change the players stats based on the players' position, I think the numbers would be MUCH more precise as to what this player is capable of from that position.
For example if we were to select this "positional based HUD" option, the players HUD numbers would be changing each hand based on their position in that hand. Typically a players HUD numbers would go from tighter to looser as he goes from UTG to the button, but how those numbers change would tell you more about the type of hands he's capable of holding from which position based on that action.
Obviously you would need a large numbers of hands, but with datamining I don't think that's a problem. If it were an option, we could simply choose it or not.
I would LOVE this option (and some players I have talked to would as well) !!!