I've created a stat for flop donk bets, haven't been able to really test it yet but it should be fairly accurate.
I created two columns the first one is a count of donk bets and the second is opportunity to donk bet.
sum(if[holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_face_raise AND
(holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_cbet_opp = FALSE) AND
holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_bet AND
(holdem_hand_player_detail.val_p_raise_aggressor_pos < holdem_hand_player_statistics.position), 1, 0])
sum(if[holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_face_raise AND
(holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_cbet_opp = FALSE) AND
holdem_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw AND
(holdem_hand_player_detail.val_p_raise_aggressor_pos < holdem_hand_player_statistics.position), 1, 0])
Donk Flop = (cnt_f_donk / cnt_f_donk_opp) * 100