Beta 16 housekeeping

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Re: Beta 16 housekeeping

Postby Josh » Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:48 am

If it's stopping at the cluster, a log file would be useful as it will tell us exactly where in the cluster the problem is occurring.
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Re: Beta 16 housekeeping

Postby Azrael1018 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:50 pm

I have been using PT2 for many years and have been trying out PT3. Just installed Beta 16 over Beta 15 and I too am having problems with Housekeeping. When opening Bet 16 for first time, it recommended updating cache. OK. I did housekeeping w/ all 4 options. ran awhile and got error message (see below). Read forums. Ran housekeeping w/o cache checked. Ran fine. Ran housekeeping w/ only cache checked. Got error message below:

There were errors during the housekeeping process:
Unable to execute query: CREATE TABLE holdem_cache (id_player integer NOT NULL, id_limit integer NOT NULL, cnt_players integer NOT NULL, cnt_hands integer, cnt_vpip integer, cnt_blind integer, cnt_bb integer, cnt_sb integer, cnt_vpip_sb integer, cnt_sb_steal_fold integer, cnt_bb_steal_fold integer, cnt_steal_def_opp_sb integer, cnt_steal_def_opp_bb integer, cnt_steal_att integer, cnt_steal_opp integer, cnt_won_hand integer, cnt_won_showdown integer, cnt_first_limp integer, cnt_prev_callers_limp integer, cnt_prev_callers_raise integer, cnt_f_saw_won integer, cnt_wtsd integer, cnt_wtsd_won integer, cnt_f_saw integer, cnt_t_saw integer, cnt_r_saw integer, cnt_p_raise integer, cnt_pfr integer, cnt_p_call integer, cnt_p_ccall integer, cnt_p_fold integer, cnt_p_pfr_call integer, cnt_p_pfr_call_opp integer, cnt_f_check integer, cnt_f_check_raise integer, cnt_f_check_raise_opp integer, cnt_f_bet integer, cnt_f_raise integer, cnt_f_call integer, cnt_f_fold integer, cnt_t_check integer, cnt_t_check_raise integer, cnt_t_check_raise_opp integer, cnt_t_bet integer, cnt_t_raise integer, cnt_t_raise_wtsd integer, cnt_t_raise_wtsd_won integer, cnt_t_call integer, cnt_t_fold integer, cnt_r_check integer, cnt_r_check_raise integer, cnt_r_check_raise_opp integer, cnt_r_bet integer, cnt_r_raise integer, cnt_r_raise_wtsd integer, cnt_r_raise_wtsd_won integer, cnt_r_call integer, cnt_r_fold integer, amt_won numeric(9,2), amt_rake numeric(9,2), amt_mgr numeric(9,2), amt_blind numeric(9,2), cnt_p_3bet integer, cnt_p_3bet_opp integer, cnt_p_3bet_def_opp integer, cnt_p_3bet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_p_3bet_def_action_call integer, cnt_p_3bet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_f_3bet integer, cnt_f_3bet_opp integer, cnt_f_3bet_def_opp integer, cnt_f_3bet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_f_3bet_def_action_call integer, cnt_t_3bet integer, cnt_t_3bet_opp integer, cnt_t_3bet_def_opp integer, cnt_t_3bet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_t_3bet_def_action_call integer, cnt_t_3bet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_r_3bet integer, cnt_r_3bet_def_action_call integer, cnt_r_3bet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_r_3bet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_r_3bet_opp integer, cnt_f_4bet integer, cnt_f_4bet_def_action_call integer, cnt_f_4bet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_f_4bet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_f_4bet_def_opp integer, cnt_f_4bet_opp integer, cnt_p_4bet integer, cnt_p_4bet_def_action_call integer, cnt_p_4bet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_p_4bet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_p_4bet_def_opp integer, cnt_p_4bet_opp integer, cnt_r_4bet integer, cnt_r_4bet_def_action_call integer, cnt_r_4bet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_r_4bet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_r_4bet_def_opp integer, cnt_r_4bet_opp integer, cnt_t_4bet integer, cnt_t_4bet_def_action_call integer, cnt_t_4bet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_t_4bet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_t_4bet_def_opp integer, cnt_t_4bet_opp integer, cnt_f_cbet integer, cnt_f_cbet_def_action_call integer, cnt_f_cbet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_f_cbet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_f_cbet_def_opp integer, cnt_f_cbet_opp integer, cnt_t_cbet integer, cnt_t_cbet_def_action_call integer, cnt_t_cbet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_t_cbet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_t_cbet_def_opp integer, cnt_t_cbet_opp integer, cnt_r_cbet integer, cnt_r_cbet_def_action_call integer, cnt_r_cbet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_r_cbet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_r_cbet_def_opp integer, cnt_r_cbet_opp integer, cnt_f_bet_def_opp integer, cnt_f_bet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_f_bet_def_action_call integer, cnt_f_bet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_f_raise_def_opp integer, cnt_f_raise_def_action_fold integer, cnt_f_raise_def_action_call integer, cnt_t_bet_def_action_call integer, cnt_t_bet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_t_bet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_t_bet_def_opp integer, cnt_t_raise_def_action_call integer, cnt_t_raise_def_action_fold integer, cnt_t_raise_def_opp integer, cnt_r_bet_def_action_call integer, cnt_r_bet_def_action_fold integer, cnt_r_bet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_r_bet_def_opp integer, amt_bb_won numeric(9,2), cnt_p_first_raise integer, cnt_r_raise_def_action_call integer, cnt_r_raise_def_action_fold integer, cnt_r_raise_def_opp integer, cnt_f_3bet_def_action_raise integer, cnt_r_3bet_def_opp integer, cnt_bb_steal_raise integer, cnt_sb_steal_raise integer, cnt_steal_reraise_def_action_fold integer, cnt_steal_reraise_def_opp integer, cnt_r_float integer, cnt_t_float integer, cnt_t_float_def_action_call integer, cnt_t_float_def_action_fold integer, cnt_t_float_def_action_raise integer, cnt_t_float_def_opp integer, cnt_r_float_def_action_call integer, cnt_r_float_def_action_fold integer, cnt_r_float_def_action_raise integer, cnt_r_float_def_opp integer, cnt_r_donk integer, cnt_r_donk_def_action_call integer, cnt_r_donk_def_action_fold integer, cnt_r_donk_def_action_raise integer, cnt_r_donk_def_opp integer, cnt_t_donk integer, cnt_t_donk_def_action_call integer, cnt_t_donk_def_action_fold integer, cnt_t_donk_def_action_raise integer, cnt_t_donk_def_opp integer, cnt_t_donk_opp integer, cnt_r_donk_opp integer, cnt_r_float_opp integer, cnt_t_float_opp integer, cnt_sessions integer, cnt_sessions_won integer, cnt_hands_won integer, cnt_hands_raked integer, cnt_hands_with_flop integer, cnt_p_face_raise integer, cnt_p_ccall_opp integer);; Reason: Fatal Error (ERROR: relation "holdem_cache" already exists )

Up until Beta 16, all had been running (relatively) fine. I had clustered, etc. many times successfully.

I have not yet tried running it w/ Stars since Beta 16.

I am running Windows XP SP3, 2.4g Intel P4, 512 mb Ram
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Re: Beta 16 housekeeping

Postby kwatson7 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:27 pm

Have been running it a second try after my 16 hours of unsuccessful nothing happening in housekeeping. It's been 2 hours and still 0% complete. How do I apply for a refund? PT3 is unusable to me. It crashes mulitple times a day and the stats will disappear off my tables about every 20 minutes. The solution to the problem was to download beta 16, which now won't even do the housekeeping.
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Re: Beta 16 housekeeping

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:08 pm

Beta 16 has been out less than 24 hours, and the cache is new, so there will be a few issues with it, but let us have chance to fix them..
I'll see if I can nudge Josh back in this direction.
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Re: Beta 16 housekeeping

Postby oracle3001 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:23 pm

X-Post from main Beta 16 thread

Creating cache for a datamined DB (~ 5 million hands) and just looking in the log, it has taken 1hr 15mins to do 5% on my machine (and that is the 5% stated in the log file rather than the misleading gui). The "initialisation", before there is actually any progress i shown in the log took over 30 mins, with the line beginning:-

[00002700][PostgresConnection] Prepared Statement: prepared_statement_3: INSERT INTO holdem_cache SELECT holdem_hand_player_statistics.id_player,...........................................

taking up most of that time.

I am not running any other software on my machine at present.
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Re: Beta 16 housekeeping

Postby RiverRock55 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:35 pm

kwatson7 wrote:Have been running it a second try after my 16 hours of unsuccessful nothing happening in housekeeping. It's been 2 hours and still 0% complete. How do I apply for a refund? PT3 is unusable to me. It crashes mulitple times a day and the stats will disappear off my tables about every 20 minutes. The solution to the problem was to download beta 16, which now won't even do the housekeeping.

^^^^ is exactley what I have experienced and how I feel about PT3, However I'm not really interested in a refund as I really like alot of aspects of PT3 compaired to HoldemManager, I just want it to work!! However there are some things that HoldemManager has that are clearly better.

The thing that bothers me most about this situation is the lack of respect the PT3 team has shown for their customers time. I have now spent hours dealing w/ stupid PT3 problems that could have been spent grinding midstakes cash at an acceptabe winrate. Screw the $80 bones I paid for PT3, just please stop wasting my time,as it is much more valuable! It is clear that many people are experiencing these housekeeping problems and even 24hours later it seems the PT3 team doesn't even acknowledge it as a widespread problem and asks "if I have defraged my computer recently"! I find this insulting and disrespectful! I understand that problems are bound to arise and accept that, its the way these problems are delt with that matter.
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Re: Beta 16 housekeeping

Postby rockmanxthedood » Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:15 pm

kwatson7 wrote:Have been running it a second try after my 16 hours of unsuccessful nothing happening in housekeeping. It's been 2 hours and still 0% complete. How do I apply for a refund? PT3 is unusable to me. It crashes mulitple times a day and the stats will disappear off my tables about every 20 minutes. The solution to the problem was to download beta 16, which now won't even do the housekeeping.

exactly my thoughts on pt3, i love the features but for whatever reason, pt2/hud runs perfectly smooth but pt3 eats up all my system resources, crashes multiple times an hour, stats randomly don't display which i havent been able to fix..

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Re: Beta 16 housekeeping

Postby pokerpro » Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:45 am

I updated to beta 16 and followed the instructions to update cache via Database --> Housekeeping.

I got this massive error message which it wont let me copy and paste.

Basically it was a bunch of Fatal Errors.

Is it possible to downgrade back to the prior version of PT3, because this new beta won't even work?
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Re: Beta 16 housekeeping

Postby pokerpro » Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:03 am

My problem is very similar to Azrael1018's. But I have additional errors in addition to the one in his post.

I try and copy and paste, but it wont let me.
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Re: Beta 16 housekeeping

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Aug 29, 2008 5:42 am

There must be something to do with a few peoples' setup that is causing the cache creation to fail, and we need to find out what this is.
Are you using Vista or XP?
What version of postgres do you have installed? (Start -> Programs -> PostgreSQL 8.x ; what is x?)

If anyone has a small database that fails to create the cache successfully, please enable logging, reproduce the problem and submit your PokerTracker.log file to the Support system , and link to this thread in the reference field of the ticket so that we can investigate.
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