
If you'd like to see a new feature added to PokerAce Hud, this is the place to request it!

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Postby chrisyt » Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:23 pm

Request ta PT people
Is it possable to turn off the auto import
and leave the Hud stuff still on the table
even if it is a few hands out of date
to have it do the auto thing for the table you're playing at.
then when ya gonna shift tables and re look on spadeeye
to then do the total import for what its been reading

Me ol' computer struggles with all the proseccing and the above helps
by the way, its looking a lot neater now
still crashs a bit but no big deal any longer

It's gonna be fab!
good work guys
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Re: Hud

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:47 am

Do you mean in PT3? (this is the PAHud section, which does not work with PT3)

This is not possible in PT3 because the HUD uses auto import to know who is at the table.
Besides, auto import uses very few resources, so shouldn't really slow your computer down much - certainly not compared with showing the HUD.

An option will be added at some point to turn the HUD off on specific tables.
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