Trojan detected

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Trojan detected

Postby Guest » Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:13 am

I just donwloaded Version:3.00 beta 17 and Norman anti virus detected a trojan. I know that PT3 is clean but it is annoying that this happens. How can I or you solve this problem? Does all my hands disapere?

Re: Trojan detected

Postby kraada » Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:35 am

Tell Norman to ignore the problem and please contact them and tell them that their program is falsely recognizing PokerTracker 3 as a trojan horse. The more people that contact them about this issue the faster it will likely get resolved.
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Re: Trojan detected

Postby Guest » Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:40 am

Yes I can do that but it is annoying that this happens. Does the hands still exist in a folder or does everything dissapear? Should I download the same patch again or shall I wait for a new?

Re: Trojan detected

Postby WhiteRider » Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:11 pm

No, the hands won't be removed - I assume all it will do is stop PT3 running, and maybe move the executable file.
You should be able to re-install the same version and get your AV to allow it.
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Re: Trojan detected

Postby koenigego » Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:18 am

hi there

just had my weekly antivir check running.
found the same trojan. i put it in quarantine then. my problem is that the same trojan wasnt only detected in the poktrack3 file but in some windows folders as well.
do you think i should just restore them at the same place again and everything will be running well?
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Re: Trojan detected

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:54 am

If you are getting more virus reports, then don't restore them - check them out properly.
PT3 does not have a virus when you download it from this website, but that doesn't mean you haven't been infected from elsewhere..
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Re: Trojan detected

Postby ennitti » Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:22 am

I also have the problem with trojan i pt3. Norman found the problem a week after I started using pt3. And it was descovered after a restart and before I started pt3. This means that pt3 is running in the startup, and I wonder why it is that way? I am getting really suspecious why pt3 is running in the startup and why its reported as trojan IF its not a problem.
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Re: Trojan detected

Postby Josh » Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:26 am

PT3 does not set itself to run at startup or set anything else to run at startup. It's possible you got infected and the virus got into the PT3 executable. We have some false positives too. You can submit the executable to to see if it's actually infected or a possible false positive.
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Re: Trojan detected

Postby ennitti » Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:51 am

Josh wrote:PT3 does not set itself to run at startup or set anything else to run at startup. It's possible you got infected and the virus got into the PT3 executable. We have some false positives too. You can submit the executable to to see if it's actually infected or a possible false positive.

Thanks a lot.

It reported from 3 of 36 different AV-system:

Norman 5.80.02 2008.10.17 Malware.EELY
Panda 2008.10.19 Suspicious file
SecureWeb-Gateway 6.7.6 2008.10.18 Virus.Win32.FileInfector.gen!84 (suspicious)

Still I wonder why it found it before I even opened the program. I guess I will just change AV-system and fold my hands and hope its all okey :-)
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Re: Trojan detected

Postby Grimshanks » Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:10 pm

I got the same results, so I guess either its a false positive or I got the same infection as you.
Now, if Josh (or somebody else) could verify that he gets the same results with a guaranteed clean file, that would be just awesome.

Norman 5.80.02 2008.10.17 Malware.EELY
Panda 2008.10.19 Suspicious file
SecureWeb-Gateway 6.7.6 2008.10.18 Virus.Win32.FileInfector.gen!84 (suspicious)
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