I agree that we all want a solution on this fast, but, I'm also pretty sure that the guys are doing what they can to fix this in a timeline manner.
What does piss me totally insanely off is the fucking idiots at Ongame. They are the ones who, when making an update, should make sure that either the PT guys are warned ahead of this issue, or make an update that does not make PT fuck up. Therefore, I suggest we all write a standard letter to the fuckups at Ongame right here
http://www.theongamezone.com/contact-formMight not be the right place, but no need to send it to all the skins, where most likely nothing happens.
Anyway, on my way out the door, but if someone could post 2-4 lines here, stating the problem, and perhaps that they are retards for not caring about their customers, then we can all aopy it as send it to them. Hopefully this will also ensure that we dont get problems like this in the future.