Beta Version 5

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Beta Version 5

Postby Josh » Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:43 pm

[listb6l]Custom statistics and reports
Multi-column sorting for reports[/list:ub6l]
[listb6l]A few hand history accuracy bugs among other minor issues
Duplicate names during import[/list:ub6l]

This beta introduces an extremely powerful and incredibly useful feature: Custom stats and reports.

Nearly any statistic you can dream up PT3 can support, and with our flexible design, anything that isn't currently possible should be made possible with small changes. Because the new system is so powerful and flexible, it's also a little complicated... though there's a good interface for it in the application, you don't have to mess with editing files on disk. It's best if you read through the documentation we have for it before attempting to create your own statistics. You can [url=]find the documentation here[/urlb6l]. Custom reports, on the other hand, are pretty easy to create. There's also documentation for that too, if you need it. Along with being able to create your own reports, you are now able to add and remove whatever statistics you want to most of the reports in PT3, including your custom stats! There are a few reports where you can't do this yet, but that's mostly because we ran out of time before the beta became due. They will be moved over soon.

This new addition to PT3 gives you an unprecedented level of customization. There's currently hundreds of statistics at your fingertips with more to come. Unfortunately, we didn't have the time to enter a complete stat list for the beta and some of the existing stats need touching up (mostly in the Categories area). So as we go, more and more stats will be added. We're also opening a repository on our website where you can upload your custom stats and reports for others to share. I guess I should mention that it's as simple as a few button clicks to export your stats and reports to share with others.

You shouldn't need to re-import hands with this version unless you were having stat accuracy issues, or the duplicate name issues.

The next beta version should have a much improved filtering system, and the beta after that... HUD!
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Re: Beta Version 5

Postby Pokaholic » Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:09 pm

This is great news, the only thing that could be better is "The next beta version will have … HUD!!!, and the beta after that a much improved filtering system."

I took the plunge and gae up PT2, since Dave got the v3 HUD working. I must say that I have been impressed so far. Personally, I have not had ANY issues (that I have noticed). Things seem to be working very smoothly, except that I have to disable CA Security firewall to launch the app. Once PT3 is running, I re-enable CA Security and all is well.
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Re: Beta Version 5

Postby pokerrow » Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:25 pm

[quotemwy]You shouldn't need to re-import hands with this version....[/quotemwy]

At some point when we do need to re-import hands, I am assuming that we'll be able to re-import PT3 hands from the Processed folder, for both played and observed that correct? (Sorry if I'm missing an Export function in PT3, but I thought I remembered reading that it's still to come.)
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Re: Beta Version 5

Postby Josh » Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:25 pm

Pokaholic, that's great that you're running PT3 exclusively. Things are only going to get better from here on out! :)

pokerrow, if you have PT3 moving your processed hands to a directory, then yes, you can just re-import from that directory. Hopefully we'll be able to get the export functionality into PT3 before too much longer.
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Re: Beta Version 5

Postby DanishWiking » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:08 am

I have tryed to search the forum but could find any answer - so please excause me if this has been asked before:
When can we expect to find support for other sites like Crypto or Boss ?
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Re: Beta Version 5

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:36 am

Not until after the PT3 HUD has been tested - adding extra sites just adds complication.
(FWIW, I'm keen for new site support too, but this is really the most sensible way to do things)
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Re: Beta Version 5

Postby DanishWiking » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:05 pm


Thanks for the answer ...

As a former programmer I understand the reason for waiting on adding additionel site's currently. I will wait on the HUD test and then hope for Boss and Crypto support(I do not play on the current supported sites).

If by chance PokerTracker should have added some nye site's/network which PT2 does not support I would surgest Merge Gaming( etc.) - but his is just a surgestion ;)

Is there also reason to belive that that there will come a PT3 which support Omaha play ?
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Re: Beta Version 5

Postby Josh » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:41 pm

We will be adding support for all the sites that PT currently supports. Once that is complete, we will look into other sites to add support for.

We plan on releasing both PT Omaha and PT Stud under the new framework, but that won't happen until later this year.
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Re: Beta Version 5

Postby smith » Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:48 pm

My AMD 2400+ 768MB Ram computer goes to a complete crawl with FTP and PT3 with a lot of Hud statistics (version.3, Thanks Dave!) I can basically only play one table, or two table if I don't mind bogging down so much that I actually miss hands!!! (about every 10 minutes)

I recently just purchased a Q6600 Quad core with 4GB of ram to completely upgrade my system.

My main question is: Will PT3 fully utilize multiple core systems to be able to massively multi-table with lots of HUD stats?

Second Question: What OS would be best for Quad core? Vista (which one? Too many... 32bit... 64bit... ) or XPsp2

I love PT3, and I really like what you guys are doing, and can't wait to actually buy the full release!
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Re: Beta Version 5

Postby Josh » Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:38 pm

Does your computer crawl when you just use PT3 (no AHK HUD)?

PT3 is fully multi-threaded, which means it will run smoother, but single processes, AFAIK, can't take advantage of multiple processors. Each PostgreSQL connection spawns a new process, so that should help take advantage of the quad-core processor.
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