WhiteRider wrote:Martyn wrote:At last also tried PT3 because of recent ongame update. What to say.. it's awful, mainly mentioned popup. Going to try Holdem Manager now..
Exactly what is the problem with PT3?
If you have problems with PT3, please post in the PT3 section of the forum, or create a ticket on the Support system.
It seems pretty clear that you're not giving priority to PAHUD customers and instead are trying to push them into buying your newer product, which is still in beta as far as Ongame is concerned. What you're ending up doing is pushing them towards HEM, because we are not sheep and we don't like to be pushed, we like to get the support we paid for.
I can't believe that the changes made by Ongame for their latest update are more than a moment's work for your programmers. As Derek has said, he has "a mountain of things to do" - in truth this issue just isn't important enough for him.