by preparac » Sun Nov 09, 2008 3:05 pm
FYI, I found out where the problem with my database was:
I was experimenting quite alot with custom stats and used for some stats the lookup_street_action DB-field in the tourney section. There seems to be really a bug with this DB-field, as it doesn't only gives sometimes weird results in the reports (millions of hands for a single player...) but also it causes a terrible slowdown when I tried to update the cache (runnnig for days with my basic DB before I finaly shot down the process, or for example running 6 minutes for 1000 hands!)...
Since I deleted the custom stats (columns) using the lookup_street_action field, I do not have problems any more ... my DB now uptdates the cache in 45 minutes.
cliffnotes: There is a bug with the lookup_street_action DB-field in the tourney section. If you have problems updating your cache, watch your customs stats ...