problem importing hans when playing on someone elses compute

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problem importing hans when playing on someone elses compute

Postby michael1972 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:26 pm

i played on fulltilt on somneone elses computer today and when i got home i tried to auto import the session but i couldnt can you advise me .
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Re: problem importing hans when playing on someone elses compute

Postby Peligroso » Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:46 pm

So, did I get you right that you kept the hand histories and transferred them to your computer at home? In that case, you can put them in a folder and then import them by using manual import (next to the auto import tab) by folder and simply selecting that folder. You could also use the auto import if you placed the hand histories under your FTP/handhistory/user directory.
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