Sudden error when importing hands

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Re: Sudden error when importing hands

Postby snoman » Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:50 pm

When I type "reindexdb -a" in the command prompt, it ask for a password.
I've tried both the PostreSQL Service user password, and the PostresSQL Database user password but nothings works.

The message that follows when I type the password is this:
reindexdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "*Windows User*"

I've also tried the Windows user password, and the Administrator password for Windows.

Any clues?
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Re: Sudden error when importing hands

Postby kraada » Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:29 pm

The password should've been the postgres password; I'm not sure what that didn't work, but a little more digging and I found the way to do it from the other command prompt.

So psql to postgres.

At the prompt type \l to list all databases.
You'll have to then type the following for each database, hitting enter at the end of each line:
\connect <databasename>
REINDEX DATABASE <databasename> ;

(Note: Don't forget that semicolon. If you do put the semicolon on the next new line that you get.)

After you've done this for all databases, exit the command prompt and things should work properly.

You can see why the automated reindexdb would've been easier, but this should work for you also.
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Re: Sudden error when importing hands

Postby snoman » Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:07 pm

Thanks for the help sir.
It seems to be working now.
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Re: Sudden error when importing hands

Postby kraada » Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:40 pm

Glad to hear it :D
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Re: Sudden error when importing hands

Postby snoman » Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:50 pm

Hm. Looks as though things aren't all okey after all.

I was playing someone today, that I've played a couple houndred hands with before, but I was not able to find the detailed info about him.

With all filters turn off, I was only able to see the info in the "General" tab. The "Hands" tab was empty(no showdowns in todays session against him), and in the "Session" tab, both my sessions against him was shown(with correct info). However, only the handhistory from todays sessions was obtainable in the "Session Hands" window.

The short version, it doesnt looks like handhistories is connected with the player.

When I looked at other players in PT, the case was the same with all. The player's handhistory was no where to be found.

Guess this is a serious one?
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Joined: Mon May 12, 2008 8:53 am

Re: Sudden error when importing hands

Postby kraada » Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:11 pm

At this point you might want to try creating a new database; I'm not sure how deep the corruption of your current database goes, but if you export all of your hand histories and reimport what you exported, plus what you've played for the last few days into a nice new clean database you shouldn't have these issues.
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