Unable to start?

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Unable to start?

Postby FD87 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:39 am

when i try to open pt3 a popup says

Unable to start

a version of pt3 is already running


i can't get pt3 to open at all. i tryed to uninstall and try again w/ no avail.

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Re: Unable to start?

Postby APerfect10 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:47 am

CTRL-ALT-DELETE, click the "Processes" tab. Look for PokerTracker.exe, right-click->End Process.

Or you can reboot your computer.

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Re: Unable to start?

Postby donkism101 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:53 pm

this is happening to me as well. i start pt3 and nothing happens. if i try to start it again it says its already running. i did what the above post said, ended the process and still nothing happens when i start the software. i also ended process and rebooted and nothing happens still. sos
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Re: Unable to start?

Postby APerfect10 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:12 pm

[quote="donkism101"o6f]this is happening to me as well. i start pt3 and nothing happens. if i try to start it again it says its already running. i did what the above post said, ended the process and still nothing happens when i start the software. i also ended process and rebooted and nothing happens still. sos[/quoteo6f]

Temporarily disable your firewall prior to starting PT3. It sounds like you may be running Norton or CA Security (?) and it is preventing PT3 from loading its XML configuration files on startup which is in turn hanging the program.

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Re: Unable to start?

Postby donkism101 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:53 pm

ok after uninstalling and reinstalling and playing for hours over end, i finally got the configure postgre box to popup with no password. so the internet security does have to be disabled. question how long does it have to be disabled? just long enough to open? now whats the password suppose to be? thanks
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Re: Unable to start?

Postby donkism101 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:19 pm

i uninstalled everything and started all over with my internet security disabled.

this is a very simple problem that has taken me 2 days to figure out. posting dumb questions and going back n forth with support for something simple like this. this should be posted on the sign up instructions that i have been reading since the beginning.

if you have norton security which came with my windows, you need to disable it to download and run this progam. preaty simple for 2 days of b.s. my freaking bloodpressure is about to break a record, and i want to blow something up!
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Re: Unable to start?

Postby APerfect10 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 4:46 pm

[quote="donkism101"9cy]ok after uninstalling and reinstalling and playing for hours over end, i finally got the configure postgre box to popup with no password. so the internet security does have to be disabled. question how long does it have to be disabled? just long enough to open? now whats the password suppose to be? thanks[/quote9cy]

As I PM'ed you, the password is your PostgreSQL database password which you would have created when installing PostgreSQL. If you do not remember this information, we can get around it by setting PostgreSQL to not require a password.

We plan on getting this issue with Norton and CA Security resolved prior to final release.

Best regards,

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Re: Unable to start?

Postby FD87 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:23 pm

[quote="donkism101"c4i]i uninstalled everything and started all over with my internet security disabled.

this is a very simple problem that has taken me 2 days to figure out. posting dumb questions and going back n forth with support for something simple like this. this should be posted on the sign up instructions that i have been reading since the beginning.

if you have norton security which came with my windows, you need to disable it to download and run this progam. preaty simple for 2 days of b.s. my freaking bloodpressure is about to break a record, and i want to blow something up![/quotec4i]

i did this and mine still doesn't work.

no PostgreSQL password box or anything ever popped up for me during download.

any more advise?

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Re: Unable to start?

Postby donkism101 » Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:07 pm

did u turn off norton? im running windows xp with norton security. i open security and turn it off. usally for a hour or so. and pt3 works fine.

if u turn off norton and its not working try to get pokertracker.exe out of ctrl + alt + delete/ processes tab. find pokertracker.exe in there and end process. once i did this and turned off norton security i was fine.

today i forgot to turn norton off and it didnt work, i just did what i said above then turned off norton and it was fine. good luck!
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Re: Unable to start?

Postby pccarballo » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:23 pm

does this means that firewall must be disabled everytime we run PT3?
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