AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

General discussion of PokerTracker 3.

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Re: AllinCalc for PT3

Postby PokerBot » Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:58 pm

Thanks it sorted it out.

1) Was wondering if you can output to graph with two line, one being your expected EV and one being what you actually won or lost.

2) Also one thing i don't understand with the results. My EV is 0.55 is positive as it over 50% (correct?) but then i am "up on my luck" $1395. How can this be if my EV is in the plus? My theory is that this number does not take into account the size of the pot. If this is the case could this feature be added?

3) Finally is there a way to gauge how "lucky" and "unlucky" you got. With 100k sample size hear are my results:

found 522 headsup allin situations
won: 282 lost: 228 tied: 12
average potsize: 125.74$
average ev: 0.5522
money won: 37569.82$
money expected (based on allin equity): 36174.00$
money difference: +1395.82$
max money diff: 2008-11-16 23:06:59 at +1499.80$
min money diff: 2008-07-31 17:25:32 at -506.77$

How lucky did i get? Its only about 5~% discrepancy i think, is that a lot?

Thanks so much for this program, it really is great. Although i was hoping to find that i was "unlucky" so that i could still complain about bad beats!
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3

Postby advis0r » Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:55 am

PokerBot wrote:1) Was wondering if you can output to graph with two line, one being your expected EV and one being what you actually won or lost.

i could, but no time atm. the line you are seeing is the difference between the two.

PokerBot wrote:2) Also one thing i don't understand with the results. My EV is 0.55 is positive as it over 50% (correct?) but then i am "up on my luck" $1395. How can this be if my EV is in the plus? My theory is that this number does not take into account the size of the pot. If this is the case could this feature be added?

on average u get it in as 0.55 favorite, but only expected money takes the potsize into account.
you can be up on your luck if you get it in as a 2 to 1 favorite 4 times and win 3 of them.

did you actually look at the output per hand?

PokerBot wrote:3) Finally is there a way to gauge how "lucky" and "unlucky" you got. With 100k sample size hear are my results:

well 100k sample size but only 522 headsup allins. i have no idea what a "normal" discrepancy would be. ask some poker math statistics dude :)

PokerBot wrote:Although i was hoping to find that i was "unlucky" so that i could still complain about bad beats!

while the output is fun to look at, knowing wether you run bad/good shouldnt have any influence on you at all - improve your game, keep playing your best either way.
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3

Postby Rikerslash » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:28 pm

if i start Run allin calc. I get this:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jfree/data/xy/XYD
Caused by:
there are like 10 Lines of text after that.

I typed in the correct things i think and i let the PW on secret, because i have no pw in my PostgreSQL
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3

Postby advis0r » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:31 pm

looks like u didnt extract all the content from the zip (the 3 files in the lib directory)
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3

Postby Seitz333 » Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:35 pm

Does this work for SNG's and Tourneys too?

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Re: AllinCalc for PT3

Postby alonalbert » Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:42 pm

Joss wrote:Interesting .... its only 9k hands but something is wrong as i NEVER RUN GOOD :!:
Anyone care to explain ?

Well, it's hard to tell from just the graph but here's what I think is going on:
Whenever you are favorite to win a hand all in by less than 100% and you actually win, your graph will go up. For example, if you move all in with AA preflop against KK and the pot was $20, you expect to win 80% of time so you also expect to loose the other 20% of it. When you win the hand, you actually won more than your expected winnings. In this case, your expected winnings were $16 (20*80%) but you won $20 so you are up on your luck by $4. If you win 10 of these in a row, you are up $40 but it doesn't feel like you are running good, after all, you were "supposed" to win these hands right? Well, no, you were only supposed to win 8 of these hands and you win 10 so while it doesn't feel like it, you still ran good.

In other words: You don't have to suck out a lot to be running good. Not being sucked out on counts too.
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3

Postby feint06 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:08 am

Seitz333 wrote:Does this work for SNG's and Tourneys too?


No, but will someone please make one that will? Or post the code for the cash version so we can try to make a ChipEV one ourselves? :mrgreen:
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3

Postby Seitz333 » Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:12 pm

feint06 wrote:
No, but will someone please make one that will? Or post the code for the cash version so we can try to make a ChipEV one ourselves? :mrgreen:

Assuming the SQL code posted in the original post is current, I will take a look tonight and see if I can make a few changes to make it work for SNG's and Tourneys.

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Re: AllinCalc for PT3

Postby ceacer » Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:12 pm

Does this programm work for Boss Media as well? Usually these type of programms don't since the hole cards are hidden at Boss Media.
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3

Postby Seitz333 » Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:30 pm

I came up with this SQL code but that is as far as I can go, I have never played with creating a jar file. Maybe some one who knows Java can do something with it from here.

Code: Select all
SELECT   summary.date_played,
         sites.site_abbrev AS site,
         hero_d.holecard_1 AS hero_hc1,
         hero_d.holecard_2 AS hero_hc2,
         hero_d.amt_before AS hero_amt_before,
         hero_d.amt_bet_ttl AS hero_amt_bet_ttl,
         villain_d.holecard_1 AS villain_hc1,
         villain_d.holecard_2 AS villain_hc2,
         villain_d.amt_before AS villain_amt_before,
         villain_d.amt_bet_ttl AS villain_amt_bet_ttl,
            WHEN hero_s.enum_allin = 'N' THEN villain_s.enum_allin
            ELSE hero_s.enum_allin
          END) AS allin_street,
         card_1 AS flop1,
         card_2 AS flop2,
         card_3 AS flop3,
         card_4 AS turn,
         card_5 AS river,
         (amt_pot - amt_rake) AS potsize,
         hero_s.flg_won_hand AS hero_won,
         villain_s.flg_won_hand AS villain_won
FROM     player p,
         tourney_holdem_hand_player_detail hero_d,
         tourney_holdem_hand_player_detail villain_d,
         tourney_holdem_hand_player_statistics hero_s,
         tourney_holdem_hand_player_statistics villain_s,
         tourney_holdem_hand_summary summary,
         tourney_lookup_sites sites,
         tourney_holdem_hand_histories hhh
WHERE    p.player_name = 'advis0r'
         AND hero_d.id_player = p.id_player
         AND hero_s.id_player = p.id_player
         AND villain_d.id_player != p.id_player
         AND villain_s.id_player != p.id_player
         AND summary.id_site != 0
         AND hhh.id_hand = hero_d.id_hand
         AND hhh.id_hand = hero_s.id_hand
         AND hhh.id_hand = villain_d.id_hand
         AND hhh.id_hand = villain_s.id_hand
         AND hhh.id_hand = summary.id_hand
         AND summary.id_site = sites.id_site
         AND hero_s.flg_showdown = true
         AND villain_s.flg_showdown = true
         AND ((hero_d.amt_bet_p + hero_d.amt_bet_f + hero_d.amt_bet_t = villain_d.amt_before)
               OR (villain_d.amt_bet_p + villain_d.amt_bet_f + villain_d.amt_bet_t = hero_d.amt_before))
         AND ((SELECT COUNT(* )
               FROM   tourney_holdem_hand_player_statistics foo
               WHERE  foo.id_hand = hhh.id_hand
                      AND foo.flg_showdown = true) = 2)
ORDER BY summary.date_played
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