how to share PT database within my home network

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how to share PT database within my home network

Postby canavarr » Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:25 pm

I have PT2 on my desktop at home, but I also want to use my laptop to access the database in my desktop, mainly to use PAHUD when I'm playing. So how do I share my database in my desktop thru network. and also is pahud capable of reading databases thru network. I use postgreSQL, if it helps. So can it be something like connecting the postgre database on my dekstop by somekind of a setup thru postgre admin options!? Thanks in advance...
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Re: how to share PT database within my home network

Postby ptrack pat » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:50 pm

I don't support this kind of setup. You can try to do what is detailed here...
but if this doesn't work I won't be of much help.
ptrack pat
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