by kraada » Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:02 pm
Average stack size while 3 handed:
Create two columns:
(1) cnt_hands_3handed defined as:
sum(if[tourney_holdem_hand_summary.cnt_players = 3, 1, 0])
This is the total number of 3 handed hands a player has played
(2) amt_before_3handed defined as:
sum(if[tourney_holdem_hand_summary.cnt_players = 3, tourney_holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_before, 0])
This sums up how much of a stack someone had for all hands that were 3 handed.
Then create the stat:
Average stack size when 3 handed
with value expression:
amt_before_3handed / cnt_hands_3handed
make sure to give it a title and a width on the format tab, and you'll want format expression to be /%.2f.