Can't import summaries from outlook express withou crash

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Can't import summaries from outlook express withou crash

Postby kwahlanigiro » Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:24 pm

Frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of this. I don't work for poker tracker. I BOUGHT poker tracker omaha. In return, I get a non stop nightmare. If the software isn't working, then you should not sell it.

I try to import summaries and the whole stupd process seems to work 10% of the time. The rest of the time tracker crashes. You guys need to get your act together. Your customers are not your QA. Please put up a step by step procedure that will work for omaha tournaments with windows.

Disgusted and thinking about demanding a refund.
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Re: Can't import summaries from outlook express withou crash

Postby kwahlanigiro » Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:39 pm

Really, you need to post an algorithm for your customers that will work. Step 1, step 2, etc. No links to other pages. Just one page that explains how to make it work. Period. If you cannot do that, then you should stop selling this software. It has crashed at least 20 times today. Why should it crash? This is a joke. Put it on one page, or stop selling it.
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Re: Can't import summaries from outlook express withou crash

Postby ptrack mike » Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:07 pm

What are you talking about? You posted about this a week ago and before I could reply you replied to your own thread saying you fixed it yourself, but you never bothered to answer my reply about how you did this so I could see if there is a problem with PTO that no one has ever found in the last 5 years until now. Instead you come back today and unload on this forum about how bad you think the software is instead of giving detail of what the problem is now so I can have a chance to try to help. Software crashes sometimes, and it's not always for reasons you think.

Now, would you like to calmly try to explain what steps in the import process are not working? Also I need to know which poker site you are importing from and what version of PTO you are using.
ptrack mike
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Re: Can't import summaries from outlook express withou crash

Postby kwahlanigiro » Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:56 am

The reason that I didn't follow up last time is because I'm not sure what exactly made it work. Right now, I have half of my tournies (about 150) with no buy in data showing up. I don't write down every step that I follow when I use a piece of software so that later I'll be able to reproduce it. I actually did QA once and that was what we GOT PAID to do. To your credit, you at least respond. Believe me, if Bill Gates responded, I'd tear that bs artist a new one for all of the time he has wasted--other people's time!

I play tournies. I import my hand histories after I'm done. Then I use the auto feature to get the summaries from Stars. Sometimes, I have to do it in steps because stars 60 limit rule. Then I try to import them from outlook express. Bang, tracker goes down. I reopen it. I try to import them. Bang, tracker goes down. I do this about a dozen times. Then finally, they miraculously start importing. But the tournament statistics still don't change much. Half are still incomplete.

There are two kinds of players. Cash and tournament players. I have used tracker before for cash games and it basically works. For omaha tournaments on stars, it just crashes over and over. Yet this is a basic function and I am not doing anything out of the ordinary. It's not like I'm have some esoteric issue. Without spending hours researching your forums, it seems like crashing during summaries is endemic. That's why I "unloaded" as you put it. One shouldn't need to do all kinds of research to get basic functionality.

I use 1.13.02.

The only thing I do that is unusual is I change the folder for the processed files from time to time because it seems to just import one and then crash so I tried to give it clean folder to dump the files in. I don't need to do that. I just thought it might make it work.
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Re: Can't import summaries from outlook express withou crash

Postby ptrack mike » Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:56 am

OK, first get this patch since PokerStars decided to change their format of tournament summaries recently:

Now, are you using Vista? If so there might be an issue the auto-request feature. I recall Pat telling me many months ago that the PT Hold'em summary auto-request isn't working with Vista very well, but no one has every told me directly that PTO has the same issue. It should have problems as well though since it's the same code.

Also, I remember from the other thread you said PTO is reading through about 1500 emails to get the summaries. That is a unusually large amount of emails to have left on a server and I wonder if that is leading to problems. Can I ask why you have so many? If you use an email client you might want to try retrieving and removing most of those messages and then see if the process runs smoothly after that.
ptrack mike
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Re: Can't import summaries from outlook express withou crash

Postby kwahlanigiro » Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:16 pm

I have tried to get the summaries to import many times since our last exchange and the database crashes more than 95% of the time. When somehow summaries get read, I can never reproduce the behavior the next time. I've got about 50 tournies that have had not had their summaries included. There are about 180 summaries in my cleared out inbox. When I try to import them, it all crashes. Now I wonder if my changing the time zone on stars without thinking about the PTO may have compounded things, although I actually have no evidence one way or the other. It was crashing plenty before. I tell you moving forward, I don't even care about lost data. All I would like is to be able to get tournies into PTO. Is there some procedure I can follow that will ensure that all tournies from this point on get recorded. I run xp. I haven't done the time zone patch.
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Re: Can't import summaries from outlook express withou crash

Postby ptrack mike » Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:14 pm

First, you'll need to get that patch for the time zone that I mentioned above. I know that newer summaries will not import without it.

Also, you keep mentioning that the program "crashes". Just to be clear, is the program actually crashing causing it to shut down, or are you just not able to import all summaries and you are getting import errors. If it is the latter I need to know what the import errors say. If it's the former then are there any messages before the program shuts down?
ptrack mike
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Re: Can't import summaries from outlook express withou crash

Postby kwahlanigiro » Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:45 am

I installed the patch at least a week ago. If that is the time zone patch, I have it already. Is there another?

When I try to import email summaries, I get microsoft dialogue box that says that sybase encountered a problem and needs to close and asks me whether I want to send an error report. I say don't send, and tracker closes up pronto.

It basically always crashes. The 5% of the time that new things show up in the db still involve crashes.
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Re: Can't import summaries from outlook express withou crash

Postby ptrack mike » Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:34 pm

That is the latest patch, v1.13.02d.

I really don't know what the problem can be if there are no other messages and nobody else is having this problem. The only other thing I can think of is that maybe your database is corrupted and that is causing the program to crash. Try using the Utilities > Repair A Poker Database option to fix the file.

If that doesn't help then reinstall the complete program again:
Then install the 1.13.02d patch again and send me your new product ID in a private message. That's a long shot but one of the install files might have been corrupted before and reinstalling will fix that.
ptrack mike
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Re: Can't import summaries from outlook express withou crash

Postby kwahlanigiro » Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:17 pm

Well, I set up the POP3 importing feature for my tournament summaries and for 15 minutes I thought everything would work. But it goes out and gets the emails, but it imported zero summaries. So there is no crash, it reads the emails, but it doesn't digest them so to speak. I reinstalled the program and the patch. I'll send you a PM for a new code.
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