CEREUS - UB and Absolute merge software

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Postby ptrack pat » Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:00 am

whatgreatis wrote:I have recently had some issues with AP importing. They released a new update and now and importing isn't working? Any ideas

What email did you use to purchase PT2? I have no record of this one used for the site.
What exactly is the problem?? Is it giving errors, is it not finding the files? Be a lot more specific than this.
ptrack pat
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Re: CEREUS - UB and Absolute merge software

Postby whatgreatis » Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:26 pm

I used a different email with the PT2. What's happening is that when I import from Absolute it reads files but doesn't import them. Then it will sparadically read 2 files and import 5. My PaHud isn't displayng stats either.
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Re: CEREUS - UB and Absolute merge software

Postby ptrack pat » Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:55 pm

whatgreatis wrote:I used a different email with the PT2. What's happening is that when I import from Absolute it reads files but doesn't import them. Then it will sparadically read 2 files and import 5. My PaHud isn't displayng stats either.

What was the email then? PM me if you don't want to post it here.
ptrack pat
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Re: CEREUS - UB and Absolute merge software

Postby wernerw » Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:34 pm

Havíng an account at UB AND Absolute I now have the problem that I cannot define 2 folders for auto-import cereus. It is a nuisance that I would need to change the settings every time I switch.

There are 3 possibilities:
1) Ptracker allows me somehow to define 2 folders
2) I can change the folder in Ultimate (or Absolute)
3) There is no help

I already searched Registry and the .ini files of Ultimate but did not find a way to change the folder in Ultimate.
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Re: CEREUS - UB and Absolute merge software

Postby ptrack pat » Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:49 pm

You can't specify multiple folders on the Absolute auto-import window. Use the File > Auto-Import > Generic Setup window if you need to have multiple folders setup at the same time.
ptrack pat
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Re: CEREUS - UB and Absolute merge software

Postby doctorfio » Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:06 pm


you mentioned in an earlier post that there will be a patch to correct the alias problems between ub and absolute. is there anything in the works?

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Re: CEREUS - UB and Absolute merge software

Postby ptrack pat » Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:32 pm

I'm going to work on an auto-alias feature but my time is limited. I don't know when I'll have that ready.
ptrack pat
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Re: CEREUS - UB and Absolute merge software

Postby skillish » Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:38 am

This creates all kinds of problems! I don't even HAVE AB on my systen since the "big scandal" nevermind "subsituting it for UB?! R U kidding?! I have ALWAYS been a loyal user of PT, but I gotta be honest, when I gotta "jerry rig" my tracking software to work, It's no wonder Holdem Manager is now getting ALL the Attn! Do something guys, cuz ever since the "change" here this is BS!

Give me a PROFESSIONAL FIX! It's been almost a month aND i'M NOT GONNA f UP MY ENTIRE DB over a no patch!

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Re: CEREUS - UB and Absolute merge software

Postby lonewolf » Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:57 pm

skillish wrote:This creates all kinds of problems! I don't even HAVE AB on my systen since the "big scandal" nevermind "subsituting it for UB?! R U kidding?! I have ALWAYS been a loyal user of PT, but I gotta be honest, when I gotta "jerry rig" my tracking software to work, It's no wonder Holdem Manager is now getting ALL the Attn! Do something guys, cuz ever since the "change" here this is BS!

Give me a PROFESSIONAL FIX! It's been almost a month aND i'M NOT GONNA f UP MY ENTIRE DB over a no patch!


The fix is in........
Pay attention.......
Have problems with PT version two...


They have upgraded the software to version three....

Buy that and start the whole mess all over again...

Version three will most likely work great for a while.....At least till they come up with version four and kick us all to the curb again
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Re: CEREUS - UB and Absolute merge software

Postby bmikel4 » Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:06 pm

ptrack pat wrote:I'm going to work on an auto-alias feature but my time is limited. I don't know when I'll have that ready.

Again showing how worthless the support team is here.
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Joined: Sat May 17, 2008 3:10 pm


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