AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

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Re: AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

Postby alonalbert » Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:25 pm

advis0r wrote:sorry i dont get what you mean in your numbers example

OK, here's an example of an output line from AllinCalc:
Code: Select all
[ 2008-10-07 20:19:20 ] [ As Ah ] [ Kc Kd ] [ _ 6d 9s Ks 7d 8c ] [ 0.8126 ] [   27.70$ /   22.51$ /    0.00$ /   -22.51$ ] [ FTP ] [ $0.10 NL ]

Pot Size: 27.70
Expected: 22.51
Actual: 0

If you were to plot this in a graph, the graph would never go down because "Expected" and "Actual" are always greater or equal to Zero. This results in a line that keeps going up and reaches very high numbers. This can be demonstrated by the summary lines:
Code: Select all
money won: 1895.11$
money expected (based on allin equity): 2096.81$

I'm not even close to have won $1895 in all my all in hands. So where's the problem?

The problem is that you need to track profit. You must take into account the amount of money we put into the pot. In the example above, the pot was 27.70 and Hero had 14.75 at the start of the hand so Hero lost 14.75. The report from AllinCalc should be:

Code: Select all
[ 2008-10-07 20:19:20 ] [ As Ah ] [ Kc Kd ] [ _ 6d 9s Ks 7d 8c ] [ 0.8126 ] [   27.70$ /   7.76$ /    -14.75$ /   -22.51$ ] [ FTP ] [ $0.10 NL ]

The numbers are reached by subtracting "Total Bet" from "Expected" & "Actual". This gives a more accurate description of the hand:
Hero was expected to make $7.76 profit but ended up with a $14.75 loss. The "difference" is still the same of course but now, "money won" and "money expected" will make much more sense as will charting this data in a graph.
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

Postby kraada » Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:08 pm

To preemptively answer what I imagine is the next question in this vein:

holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_bet_ttl is how much a given player bet in the course of a hand, but it doesn't include any blinds paid; to capture those you'd need to add amt_blind also (same table).
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

Postby alonalbert » Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:23 pm

kraada wrote:To preemptively answer what I imagine is the next question in this vein:

holdem_hand_player_detail.amt_bet_ttl is how much a given player bet in the course of a hand, but it doesn't include any blinds paid; to capture those you'd need to add amt_blind also (same table).

Hmm. Are you sure about that?

If that were true, then the following query would return no rows:
Code: Select all
from holdem_hand_player_detail d
join holdem_hand_summary s on d.id_hand = s.id_hand
join holdem_hand_histories h on d.id_hand = h.id_hand
join player p on p.id_player = d.id_player
where true
  and amt_bet_ttl = amt_before
  and amt_blind > 0
  and date_played > '12/1/2008'

Because according to your comment, amt_bet_ttl should be smaller than amt_before when a blind was posted, not equal to it but in fact it does.
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

Postby kraada » Fri Dec 05, 2008 6:38 pm

I may have to stand corrected on that; I thought it didn't but you're right that would return no rows if blinds weren't added in and clearly that's not the case.
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

Postby jaysu » Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:14 am

Can't figure out how to get this to work. I have Java on my computer but I don't really understand it very much, and I read the first post in this thread as well as most of the others but I don't really know where to put the files. I just put them on the desktop, first in a folder that appeared after I unzipped the downloaded folder, and it didn't like that (error when running) so I took everything out of the folder and put it on the desktop, seemed easiest but I don't know if it is necessary.

I changed the settings file and it looks right, and now when I run it I get "found 0 headsup allin situations, check your filter settings", so I think I am doing something wrong with relating it to my pt3 database, which has about 160,000 hands or so in it currently. I looked up the name and stuff from pt3, so my settings file is

db_host = localhost
db_name = PT3 DB
db_user = postgres
db_pwd = dbpass
screenname = Jaysu
filter_since = 2005-12-31
filter_until = none
filter_stake = none
filter_maxev = 1.0
filter_minev = 0.0
filter_site = none
debug_mode = 0

which looks like others that were posted in this thread so I think it's fine, maybe I'm missing something obvious about my database. Can someone please help? hehe
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

Postby Ricardo » Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:34 pm

One simple thing to get wrong is screenname. Make sure this name is the same case and exact characters and length as in PT3.
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

Postby jaysu » Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:56 pm

hah that worked, thanks
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

Postby funkyj » Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:03 am

I downloaded AllinCalc_v0.96, ran it (it worked) and got the graph.

So what the heck is the graph telling me?

hypothetical: if I get $9 in on the flop when I'm an 80% favorite and then go all in with the last $1 in my stack on the turn when I have 0% equity how would AllInCalc evaluate this hand? Will AllInCalc view this as +EV overall?
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

Postby kraada » Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:10 am

I think if you have 0% equity when it goes in, it won't make your Allin graph any better or worse.

As I understand it, what happens is that you have some equity when the money goes in. If it's nonzero, then multiply that equity times the pot size (minus rake) and that's your expected value. Then look at the actual results.

If you have EV of $100 and you get $0, that'd be a -100 on the graph. If you have an EV of $25 and you win a $100 pot that would be +75 on the graph.

Sum up each case and you get a running total which is the graph that you see.
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Re: AllinCalc for PT3 v0.96 (Updated 12/4)

Postby advis0r » Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:49 pm

kraada is right.
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