Cold Call Pre-Flop & Call Preflop Raise Stat question

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Cold Call Pre-Flop & Call Preflop Raise Stat question

Postby think » Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:16 pm

what is the diff between cnt_p_pfr_call & cnt_p_ccall?
cnt_p_pfr_call=call raise include call pfr raise, right?
cnt_p_pfr_call=will be exclude all those raise, call, and we call?

cnt_p_pfr_call=sum(if[(cnt_p_call>1 OR flg.p_ccall) AND flg.p_face_rase,1,0])
im not sure what is 1,0 at the back for if statement, if the condition is true, will add 1 to the cnt_p_pfr_call?
how about 0,0 or 0,1?

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Re: Cold Call Pre-Flop & Call Preflop Raise Stat question

Postby Josh » Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:19 pm

cnt_p_pfr_call is the number of times a preflop raise was called by the player. cnt_p_ccall is the number of times a player cold called a preflop raise (calling one or more raises without having any money in the pot prior). The expression "sum(if[expr, 1, 0])" just gets a count of the number of times the expression is true.
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Re: Cold Call Pre-Flop & Call Preflop Raise Stat question

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:51 pm

[quote="Josh"9sh]The expression "sum(if[expr, 0, 1])" just gets a count of the number of times the expression is true.[/quote9sh]
Shouldn't the 0 and 1 be the other way round?
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Re: Cold Call Pre-Flop & Call Preflop Raise Stat question

Postby Josh » Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:55 pm

Yes, it should. Sorry. I'll edit my original post.
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Re: Cold Call Pre-Flop & Call Preflop Raise Stat question

Postby think » Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:15 pm

[quote="think"mqv]what is the diff between cnt_p_pfr_call & cnt_p_ccall?
cnt_p_ccall=call raise include call pfr raise, right?
cnt_p_pfr_call=will be exclude all those raise, call, and we call?

cnt_p_pfr_call=sum(if[(cnt_p_call>1 OR flg.p_ccall) AND flg.p_face_rase,1,0])
im not sure what is 1,0 at the back for if statement, if the condition is true, will add 1 to the cnt_p_pfr_call?
how about 0,0 or 0,1?


made a mistake in my original thread i meant cnt_p_ccall=call raise include call pfr raise, right?
Thanks for the clarification

The expression "sum(if[expr, 1, 0])" just gets a count of the number of times the expression is true.
1 means if true add the count, 0 means if false add the count for first parameter?
what about second parameter?

also for format expression
/%.2f is to express % in 2 decimal point?
format money(var, true/false), what is the true, false means? false means in not in term of absolute value likes dollar $?
format number(expr, n, true/false, true/false), what are the two paramenter true/false for? n is decimal point?

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Re: Cold Call Pre-Flop & Call Preflop Raise Stat question

Postby Josh » Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:19 pm

[im7y]"sum(if[expr, 1, 0])"[/im7y]
Basically, if you have 100 rows, and "expr" would be true for half of them, the result of this will be 50. Think of it as an incrementing counter. If the statement is false, nothing is added (the 0), if it's true, the counter is incremented (the 1).

[im7y]"/%.2f is to express % in 2 decimal point?"[/im7y]
That just means format the number to two decimal places. It will not place a percent sign anywhere.

[im7y]"format money(var, true/false)"[/im7y]
The second parameter determines if the value should be formatted red/green for negative/positive values.

[im7y]"format number(expr, n, true/false, true/false)"[/im7y]
The second parameter is the number of decimal places to use. The third parameter determines if commas should be inserted in appropriately and the fourth parameter determines if the value should be formatted red/green for negative/positive values.
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Re: Cold Call Pre-Flop & Call Preflop Raise Stat question

Postby think » Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:13 pm

thanks for the reply.
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Re: Cold Call Pre-Flop & Call Preflop Raise Stat question

Postby think » Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:17 pm

[quote="Josh"1h6]cnt_p_pfr_call is the number of times a preflop raise was called by the player. cnt_p_ccall is the number of times a player cold called a preflop raise (calling one or more raises without having any money in the pot prior). The expression "sum(if[expr, 1, 0])" just gets a count of the number of times the expression is true.[/quote1h6]

let see if i understand it correctly.
cnt_p_pfr_call always > cnt_p_ccall, cnt_p_ccall is subset of cnt_p_pfr_call? cnt_p_pfr_call also include calling one or more raises

cnt_p_pfr_call will include time when a player limp and call a raise.

[quote1h6]cnt_p_ccall is the number of times a player cold called a preflop raise (calling one or more raises without having any money in the pot prior).[/quote1h6]
when a player in sb or bb, with some money posted and call a raise would it be considered as cnt_p_ccall, right?
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Re: Cold Call Pre-Flop & Call Preflop Raise Stat question

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:18 pm

[quote="think"c3f]when a player in sb or bb, with some money posted and call a raise would it be considered as cnt_p_ccall, right?[/quotec3f]
No, a cold call is only when you have no money already invested before you call a raise.
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Re: Cold Call Pre-Flop & Call Preflop Raise Stat question

Postby think » Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:27 pm

[quote="WhiteRider"m5x][quote="think"m5x]when a player in sb or bb, with some money posted and call a raise would it be considered as cnt_p_ccall, right?[/quotem5x]
No, a cold call is only when you have no money already invested before you call a raise.[/quotem5x]

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