Auto Rate strings

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Auto Rate strings

Postby WillySutton » Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:16 pm

Is there any way to get to the Auto Rate string values? (SemiLoose, passive,passive ... etc) I seem to remember changing them to short strings like sLPP and using them that way in the pt2 hud to add to the stats on the table for players. Handy when I forget what the icons mean. :) If not, are there plans to add this in the future?
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Re: Auto Rate strings

Postby kraada » Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:53 am

If you hover over the icon it should give you a tooltip; I thought it displayed the description in that tooltip.
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Re: Auto Rate strings

Postby WillySutton » Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:31 pm

That's right, it does, but it takes forever for the tool tip info to pop up ... too long for mt-ing. I think in the past, before the tool tip option, I kept the string representation of the icon in the popup stats display. Much faster and again, more intuitve when icon to string fails MY memory test. :? I'll agree that if the tool tip speed were increased to zero it would work just fine. Any chance of giving the user the ability to set the tool tip popup time instead of having to go with the default?
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Re: Auto Rate strings

Postby kraada » Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:13 am

I'm not sure, but I've asked about that also for other reasons so we'll have to see whether it's feasible.

In the meantime though you could create a custom statistic to display the string; you'd just have to set it up yourself.

You'd want to have it in the Holdem Cash Player Statistics section so that it would display on the HUD.

The database field player.val_icon stores the number of the icon assigned to that player. You can find these values you can find them in the Configure --> Auto-Rate area. What you'd need to do is have a stat that reads the val_icon value then displays a string based on the value you have. See this post in the custom stats FAQ for more help with formatting.
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Re: Auto Rate strings

Postby WillySutton » Mon Dec 15, 2008 3:37 am

Thanks for the help. You might want to correct your post though, it seems from my calculations that only the "zero" is not used in the defaults (the fish is the first element). I used the default settings except for shortening the descriptions in the rules section. Not being a database programmer it was interesting trying to figure out how the hell that stuff works. Here is the worst piece of butt ugly code I've ever written, but, as they say ... that the heck ... it works.

looking at val_icon (for some reason you cant use >> player.val_icon << )

if(val_icon = 14, 'TAN',if(val_icon=13,'LPA',if(val_icon=12,'TPP',if(val_icon=11,'sLPP',if(val_icon=10,'?',if(val_icon=9,'LAA',if(val_icon=8,'TPA',if(val_icon=7,'LAP',if(val_icon=6,'sLPA',if(val_icon=5,'TAP',if(val_icon=4,'sLAP',if(val_icon=3,'sLAA',if(val_icon=2,'TAA',if(val_icon=1,'LPP',val_icon))))))))))))))

jeeze ... are there case/switch statements available to use? That sorts reeks of LISP! :(

again ... thanks for the help!
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Re: Auto Rate strings

Postby kraada » Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:03 am

You're right I hadn't actually loaded the default autorate. I have edited my post.

I'm not aware of any case or switch statement to use, unfortunately. The good news is that emacs will match parentheses for you ;)
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Re: Auto Rate strings

Postby WillySutton » Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:19 am

OK ... seems my quest has not ended after all :? I went back in to configure a different layout. I used to have two different layouts, one with the player stats OUTSIDE of the tables, desktop area, and one with the stats on the INSIDE, the surface of the table. It makes for a nice clean display when I have the room (two tables) to put the stats outside and when I play four tables per screen then I use less verbose stats and keep them within the table surface area. Today I started making the inside stats layout by first saving the "outside" layout file and then taking it apart to make the inside layout. OK ... that sets the scene for:

I decided to place the Player Icon Text ( the stat I created ) on the table but couldn't find it in the stats list. I went to the Configure Statistics area and checked to see if I had missed something. It was still there, in the Existing Stats window. Definition, format, categories, colors, enable for HUD and Tracker had not changed. The categories had only "Informational" assigned so I assigned Actions, Aggression, Money, Passivness, Positional, and Results. Saved/applied/updated cache. It still appeard in the Configure Statistics Existing Stats list but NOT in the HUD stats list. Getting brave, I removed the Player Icon Text stat that I had placed in the HUD default popup thinking that maybe the stat would become visible again in the HUD stats list. It didn't. I tried changing the Player Icon Text stat in the Configure Statistics section back to Informational only, no luck. Also no luck with clearing the assigned categories completely in the Configure Stats Categories window. As I said, I saved my original layout file so I reloaded it and oddly enough, even though the stat never appeared in the HUD stat list, it was still in the popup list of stats to display, type "Statistic", name "Player Icon Text".

So I'm kind of back to square one. I have created a new statistic but it is not available in the HUD stat list even though it is in the HUD popup and is working just fine, thankyouverymuch. Now, I know the first thing you're going to wonder is "How the hell did "Player Icon Text" get in the HUD popup list if it wasn't available in the list of stats?!" My theory is that I applied it to the popup when I was first working on the custom stat and although everything was "valid" and the stat WAS in the list at that time it caused an error when PokerTracker ran. This happened more than once. (The error text showed up in the HUD popup where the statistic was assigned.)

If I were still smoking I would have gone through a carton by now. Any suggestions, guys? Guys? Guys? ... Bueler?
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Re: Auto Rate strings

Postby kraada » Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:40 pm

That's decidedly odd.

You are aware you can choose "All" from the drop down and it'll display all stats not just those in a given category, right? I may be weird, but I just keep it on "All" rather than remember what stats are in what category.

Also, did you create the stat in the Holdem Cash Player Statistics section? If you put it anywhere else it won't be available in the HUD.
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Re: Auto Rate strings

Postby WillySutton » Tue Dec 16, 2008 3:00 pm

Yes and Yes. I did create the Player Icon Text stat in the Holdem Cash Player Statistics section. And I also leave the drop down in the "All" position. Now ... to further drive myself nuts I:

1. Deleted the StatDefinitionsCustomized.pt3 file. I noticed it still had an old custon stat definition in it that I had long since abandoned AND deleted from the Custom Statistics section within PT3.

2. Rebuilt all of my custom stats. (checked the new StatDefinitionsCustomized.pt3 file and found them there and now the old stat that I no longer used was gone which is what I would expect.)

3. Applied/Saved/Updated Cache/Restarted PT3.

4. All of the stats came back in the Configure Stats section.

5. The Player Icon Text stat DID NOT APPEAR in the HUD setup area BUT it still works where I had placed it on the HUD popup display.

6. Went back to the Configure Stats section and made a slight change to my Player Icon Text stat in the Holdem Cash Player Statistics section.

7. The change DID appear in the HUD popup but still not in the HUD statistics menu.

Comments? Suggestions?
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Re: Auto Rate strings

Postby kraada » Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:08 pm

I'm confused: when you have a group set as Popup Only you can see the stat, but when you set the stat to Show On Table for Everyone (or everyone but hero) you can't see the stat to add it?

What change did you make to the stat in step 6?

Could you please export your stat and attach it to a support ticket and link this thread in the ticket so that we can look into what is going on with the stat in hand? It would make things much faster.
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